Lilydale Outdoor Pool
On Monday March 3, LHS had our annual Swimming Carnival which was full of fun, colour and competition. With over 550 students in attendance, the racing was fierce and the wading volleyball was a highlight.
Everard (Yellow) were the dominant house on the day, taking home the 2025 Swimming House Championship (the first time in over a decade), closely followed by Deakin (Green), Tate (Red) and Cummins (Blue).
Our Age Group Champions for 2025:
13 Years: Pheobe Loenard & Lincoln Agnew
14 Years: Ali Long & Thomas Goschnick
15 Years: Nayeli Craig & Liam Kleefsman
16 Years: Kailey Faulkner-Forward & Fletcher Palfreyman
17 Years: Morgan Jarvis & Kaelan Baker-Flett
20 Years: Mackenzie Grant & Baily McDonald
Paul Hager
Head of Sport & Interschool Sport