Enrolments and Lesson
Welcome to our new Instrumental Music students and welcome back to our returning musos.
Thank you to resident rock bands ABC and ROOM2 who performed on the deck, Monday of Week 3 to celebrate the commencement of Instrumental Music lessons and what looks to be another wonderful year of music-making.
Waitlists are in place for percussion, guitar, voice, and piano. We do have a few places left for brass (trumpet and trombone) and woodwind (flute, clarinet, and saxophone).
Please contact Ms Goode if you’re keen to try one of these instruments out. It’s FREE!!
Instrument Hire
If you have received confirmation that your child is able to hire a school instrument, please note that hire fees were due to be paid by 28th February so that instruments can be borrowed through the School Library borrowing system. Payment can be made through Compass events. Payment plans are also available by contacting the Main Office.
Bands and Ensembles
LHS Band rehearsals began in Week 4 for our more advanced students. Rehearsals will be held in the PAC Band Room every Monday lunchtime.
‘Air Force 8’ is a woodwind/brass combo for Year 8 students transitioning from Rookie Band to LHS Band. These rehearsals will be on Thursdays.
LHS Choir has also re-commenced with Emma. If you don’t have voice lessons here at school but would like to join the choir, please see Ms Goode in the PAC.
Our rock bands have been super keen to book rehearsal spaces at lunchtime and can’t wait to perform at school and community events during the year. Keep a lookout for ABC, ROOM2, and HSD.
Our Year 12 Musos are also using available IPT to get together and create a set list for assemblies, lunchtime gigs, and their final Valedictory Dinner in December.
Rookie Band for beginning students along with Guitar and Percussion Ensembles will commence in Term 2.
Knox Rocks
Knox Rocks is a Rotary-driven, youth-focused initiative that provides opportunities for youth in our local community to learn about songwriting. The project works with young people to gain a sense of personal mastery, increased confidence, a sense of achievement, and an enhanced sense of empowerment while developing musical skills.
Congratulations to Janussha (Year 8), Charlie (Year 8), and Isla (Year 10) for your awesome performances on Saturday night! Janussha, Charlie, and Isla have been part of the songwriting program, which culminated in a showcase performance and concert finale at EV’s Youth Centre in Croydon.
During the workshops, participants (local high school students) wrote songs and music through which they expressed their personal feelings. The songs were then recorded professionally and given to the young artists as tangible results of their participation in the program.
Thank you to our voice and piano teacher, Emma, who supported our students as songwriting lead and mentor during the program.
Victoria Road PS Fete
Our first community band performances for the year will be supporting one of our local primary schools at their inaugural fete later this month.
Lock in Sunday, 30 March, 11 am – 3 pm to see ROOM2 and ABC performing on the Main Stage.
Performance times 12 noon – 1 pm.
Lilydale High’s Got Talent
Applications are open to any student or group of students who have a special or secret talent.
Some ideas are dance, juggling, comedy, magic, hula hooping, lip syncing, puppetry, bike tricks, cheerleading, ball tricks, circus, martial arts, maths, beatboxing…
This will be held during Week 8 of this term so hop to it and get training!
Use the following link to register your interest!
Lilydale High’s Got Talent - 2025 Registration
Welcome back to our talented and inspirational Instrumental Music teachers Damien Thomas (guitar), Emma Jury (piano and voice), and Mr Paul Coles (percussion).
We are also welcoming Mr Paul Winter, who will be teaching our brass students and assisting with various band rehearsals.
Mrs Ventura (woodwind) will be on extended leave for the remainder of the year, so we are in the process of recruiting a suitable replacement to teach flute, clarinet, and saxophone.
In the meantime, Mr Craig Harrison, a familiar face in the music department, has been a tremendous help teaching woodwind and getting LHS Band rehearsals up and running for the year.
Diary Dates
Term 1
Thursday 20 March
LHS Band and Woodwind Performances (Grade 6 Info Night
Thursday 28 March
Woodwind and Brass hire fees due
Sunday 30 March
ROOM2 and ABC Performance (Victoria Road PS ‘Community Heroes Fete’)
Term 2
Battle of the Bands - Dates TBA
Monday 23 June
Mid-Year Melodies (concert bands, ensembles, and choir)
Tuesday 1 July
Amplified (rock bands)
Monday 28 July
NEVR Spotlight Concert at Melbourne Recital Centre (LHS Band)
Term 3
LHS The Voice - Dates TBA
Thursday 4 September
September Soiree (solos, duets, and trios)
Term 4
Monday 13 October
Encore! 2025 (all bands and ensembles)
We look forward to a creative and music-filled year.
Jacki Goode
Instrumental Music Coordinator