À Bientôt Not Au Revoir!  See You Soon Not Goodbye! 

OurFrench friends from our sister school Lycée Darchicourt departed Lilydale High School on Wednesday, 19th February after many hugs and tears!


After a very warm welcome on Sunday, 2nd February (dinner on arrival at school - pizzas, watermelon, and Zooper Doopers), the 20 students and two teachers enjoyed 2 ½ weeks of fun in the Aussie sun!

French students arrive LHS
French students arrive LHS
French students with their Host Families
French students with their Host Families

From Healesville to St Kilda, they explored Melbourne and Lilydale High School. 

Old Melbourne Jail Visit
Old Melbourne Jail Visit

They attended classes with their hosts, including two specially designed sessions where they cooked ANZAC biscuits and learned how to kick a footy – thanks to Ms Marshall and Mr Currie. 


We wound up with a farewell ceremony and a delicious BBQ cooked by Ms Marshall and some of her Compassionate Kitchen students.


The coffee machine was also fired up in the LHS café to provide hot drinks to host parents and students at the BBQ.


Merci beaucoup to: the host families for opening up and sharing their lives with our exchange students, our principal, Ms Powson, for all of her support for this exchange, Ms Marshall and her Food Tech team and her Compassionate Kitchen students, Mr Currie and his Year 10 Sports Coaching class, all of the staff who welcomed the French students into their classes, and to Madame Pradier for her meticulous planning and management of their itinerary.


À Bientôt Not Au Revoir!
À Bientôt Not Au Revoir!

Kelly Farrell

Head of Languages