Classroom News

Grade 4

Wow, what a term we have had! We are so engaged in our learning that the weeks are slipping by fast. 


The students are thoroughly enjoying learning through our new Magnify program.  The lessons are engaging and are paced to allow every student achieve success at their own personal level.   


Every Student 

Every Teacher 

Every School 

Every Day 


Our school camp was a wonderful success.  Our students had so many great experiences, developing team work, resilience and independence.  Their behaviour was outstanding and they represented their school and themselves with great pride.   

Reports from the camp co-ordinators included –  

“What an awesome bunch of students”,  

“I love how everyone has had a go”,  

“What a caring group, with delightful manners”.   


The camp gave us all a chance to get to know each other better and to bond as a group. 

This is depicted in the way they have returned to school and supported each other in our learning and play. 


Don’t forget our Opening Mass on 28th February at 12.00pm at Our Lady’s Church.  We would love to see you there.  We will be celebrating after mass with a BYO picnic in our school grounds.  Everyone is welcome. 


Looking forward to more great adventures as the term progresses. 


Please contact me if you have any questions or queries.