
This year, as a whole school, we focus on the mantra

‘Self-Responsibility Comes Alive in 2025’


Our 6 school values underpin everything that we do at BBPS. 


Our Student Wellbeing Support Plan describes our agreed expectations of the microskills students at BBPS need to demonstrate to show each of our values.


Well done to our 2024 SRC, who played an integral role in reviewing our agreed expectations of behaviour and ensured that these statements reflected student voice and understanding. 


Responsibility, is of course one of these six values. See below for some of the ways that our classes have unpacked this value to set classroom expectations to begin the year. Feel free to to visit your classrooms and take photos of these, they can be very helpful to create a common language at home also! (Good to put on the fridge!)


Students have the opportunity to earn house points for demonstrating all of our school values. House Points is a whole school system that contributes to a sense of school pride and belonging. 





What is an Individual Education Plan?

An IEP is an individualised learning document designed by teachers, in consultation with parents/guardians, detailing termly goals in both learning and wellbeing domains. It details the additional teaching strategies and adjustments put in place for that particular child. 


Who has an IEP?

Criteria for a child to have an IEP as per Department recommendations:

  • For students in out of home care or youth justice
  • Koori students
  • Students supported by Department funding (Disability Inclusion Funding)
  • A student 12 months or more behind in a curriculum area
  • A student who has a documented diagnosis such as ADHD, Autism, dyslexia or dysgraphia, and requires specific additional support.

How is progress monitored?

Teachers collect anecdotal data throughout the term against set goals. Teachers then meet termly with parents/guardians to provide feedback on progress and next steps.


As part of our term 1 process, classroom teachers have collaborated with last year's teachers to formulate a term 1 IEP for those students requiring one. Teachers will be in touch in the coming weeks to share these with you if relevant. 


BBPS teachers view this process as an opportunity to work closely with families to ensure we are meeting each child’s academic and social needs.