Parents Association

Thank you to all our parent volunteers who have agreed to join our parent association for 2025. Confirmed roles and responsibilities listed below; it is not too late to join the team, please feel free to join us for our meetings and be a part of what we do, even without a formal role, we are all leaders at BBPS.
Next meeting is March 7 @ 9am in the Library. Online link to come for those who can tune in.
President/Secretary- position still vacant (Kim Ancrum) Treasurer- Iluka Davidson Administration- Events Coordinator (Consultant) - Bec Arcuri & Jess Thomson Class Rep Coordinator- Mel Biggin 2nd hand uniform- Pernille & Iluka Lost Property- Brionhy Casey School Council - Lynne Donnelly TBC BBQ Coordinator / Dreamers Rep - Kyle Thomson Class representatives-Prep: Emilie Maddox, Ninnie Hebard (PP); Stacey Edelsten, Elizabeth Schonfeld (PCM) Grade 1: Katie Sayer, Lisa Lie; Jenna Watts (1B); Kim Gascoigne and Suz Goldie (1G) Grade 2: Jess Thomson, Kayla McKeown (2CW); Rebecca Gross, Emily Green (2S) Grade 3: Skye Filopoulos, Mel Biggin (3W); Sophia Currie, Meghan Finn (3C) Grade 4: Lynne Donnelly, Amanda McDonald (4R); Jacqui White, Ali (4H) Grade 5: Sally Murchie, Tash Homann (5W), Briohny Casey (5BM) Grade 6: Bec Arcuri, Brooke Irvine (6C), Francesca Markey, Jenny Ermogenis (6T) |
Make sure its in your diary - Friday March 14 - Welcome BBQ
Entertainment provided for the kids by the school - ninja warrior and mini golf activities.
So pack your picnics and come along.
Easter Raffle is coming!