Grade 3 & 4
Term 1 - Week 4
Grade 3 & 4
Term 1 - Week 4
Well, we have had a busy start to the school year. At the beginning, we all found our friends and had a catch up with them and then learnt how our Learning Space is going to work for this year. In the mornings we have four teachers working with us and then in the afternoons, we have three home groups. It has been fun learning our new groups and who we will be working with.
We did some team challenge activities where we had to construct a tall tower using newspaper and masking tape only.
In sport, we have been participating in Kelly Sport activities.
One big highlight for the year 4's was getting our own device and the year 3s have a school device that is theirs to use for the year - we did a Kahoot quiz with Mrs Wilson and that was so much fun!!
Next week, the years 4s are going to participate in the swimming sports with the year 5/6 students and students from St Brigids.
Our main theme this term is Community and how different communities have different rules and laws. We discussed with a partner about the rules we have at home and how they may vary, that was an interesting discussion!