Grade 1 & 2
Term 1 - Week 4
Grade 1 & 2
Term 1 - Week 4
It has been a wonderful start in the Grade One and Two Learning Space. All the children have settled in well, have formed many friendships and began t new year with lots of learning.
Discovery time has begun well. As our Inquiry theme for this term is ‘Who are the people that make our community?’, the students are creatively discovering this through the various centres including a police station, child welfare centre, community garden, a cafe, doctor’s surgery, school, library as well as the building and craft areas.
Our Religious Education concept, for term 1, is ‘Relationships’. Through our developing relationship with God, we are encouraged to grow in relationship with self, others and creation. We have begun with relationships at school and the importance of respect and friendship. We discussed what it takes to be a ‘Super Friend’ and what we would look for in a good friend. Our learning community are working together to try and develop ‘super friendships’ and ‘respect’ for each other every day.
Over the last two weeks we have had the pleasure of meeting our families during the ‘Get to Know’ you sessions, learning more about our students and each other.
We have begun teaching our new ‘Phonological Awareness’ program, with a Consonant Sound Wall and Vowel Valley being displayed in each learning space. This UFLI (University of Florida Literacy Institute) program is an explicit and systematic program that teaches students the foundational skills necessary for proficient reading.
We thank all our families and staff for making the beginning of this year run smoothly and happily. We look forward to a wonderful year of learning, sharing and friendships.
- Heather, Claire, Georgia, Mollie and Anne.