Year 3 News

A big congratulations to the Year 3 students for kicking off the year in such an impressive way! 


The past couple of weeks have been quite busy but very exciting. It was fantastic seeing everyone reconnecting with friends and teachers after the holidays, and getting settled into our new classrooms. 


We are lucky to be so close to the oval and have been using this to our advantage with daily walks and runs!




For the first two weeks we have had a whole school focus on wellbeing. The students have been busy being creative with a range of different activities based around our learner profile attributes. We were fantastic inquirers when we got to know our classmates with a class bingo activity. We practised our reflecting skills by thinking about people that support us, experiences that make us feel grateful and adjectives that describe our favourite hobbies and passions. We showed our impressive communication skills when we wrote about a topic, we were knowledgeable about. 

We have been blown away by the incredible reflective and artistic skills the students displayed throughout these activities.


Last week we introduced our focus for number - place value. We have been playing games and creating game boards to practise our understanding of the value of digits in a number. The students particularly enjoyed playing dice games – one of the games was rolling multiple dice to get a 4- or 5-digit number and trying to order them correctly. 


This was quite fun as the kids had to think carefully about where to place their number so that they didn’t get knocked out!



The students have been enjoying writing about their school holidays and completing their All About Me posters showcasing their favourite things and a little bit about themselves. These have been proudly displayed in our classrooms for viewing. 


We have also started a Reading Stamina table to chart the minutes we spend reading in the classroom, and the kids have taken on the challenge of trying to work towards a higher number each time.


We are looking forward to what’s to come in the upcoming weeks and are already so proud of how quickly the year 3’s have settled into their new routines!