Year 1 News

Welcome to Year 1 

The Year 1 students have settled into their first weeks of school well. These first weeks in Year 1 have focused on setting up our classroom routines and getting to know each other. 


The students have enjoyed participating in many team building activities which included passing a paper plate around the circle using pegs, balancing marbles on a board and completing a puzzle together.  


Unit of Inquiry – Who We Are 

We have begun our first unit of inquiry, Who We Are with the central idea exploring how the decisions people make influence their relationships with each other. In this unit we will discuss the attributes that can help us learn together and the way our interactions contribute to a harmonious classroom. 


The students have been looking at the array of emotions and feelings they may display and how to manage these using the Zones of Regulation. They enjoyed acting out the different Zones and making a class collage to display.  

SMART Spelling 

The students have begun the SMART Spelling program and have enjoyed participating in Word Work activities to assist them to learn their weekly spelling words. At the end of each week, they complete dictation sentences and a spelling test to apply the spelling focus they have learnt. 


We have lunched the concept of Math by Myself where the students complete Maths tasks independently. The idea of this is for students to work on Math the whole time, stay in one spot, get started right away, use a quiet voice, ignore distractions, work on Math stamina and persevere. During this time the teacher works with individual or small groups of students.  

Read to Self 


We have launched the concept of Read to Self where students work on their reading stamina. Students have learnt about picking good fit books and what these should look like. Each week they will select three different genre books for their book tub and will work on reading these through the week. They enjoyed making their own bookmarks to keep in their tubs.