Introducing Our Year 6 PYP Leaders and our  Learner Profile Attribute: Caring 


We are excited to welcome you to a new school year! As we begin this journey, we are proud to introduce our Year 6 PYP student leaders, Jack Cleverdon and Aiden Moradi. These dedicated students will play an important role in guiding their peers, modelling the PYP Learner Profile attributes, and helping our school community live these values throughout the year. 

Jack & Aiden
Jack & Aiden



Exploring the Learner Profile Attributes 


During the first two weeks of term, our students spent time exploring the 10 attributes of the PYP Learner Profile. Through a series of well-being activities and collaborative class discussions, the students got to know each other better while reflecting on the personal qualities that contribute to a positive school community. 


The Learner Profile attributes, such as being inquirers, thinkers, communicators, and risk-takers, are essential to the growth of our students both academically and personally. This initial exploration allowed students to reflect on their strengths and areas for growth. 


Focus on Caring 


To begin the term, as a whole school, we are focusing on the Learner Profile Attribute of Caring. In our school, this means showing empathy, kindness, and respect for others, as well as taking action to support those in need. We believe that by embodying this attribute, students can contribute to a nurturing and inclusive school environment. 



How We See Caring in School 


In the classroom, students demonstrate Caring by looking out for one another, collaborating on group activities, and supporting each other's learning journeys. We celebrate moments of kindness and empathy through class discussions and community-building activities, reinforcing the idea that we all play a part in making our school a place where everyone feels valued and supported. 


Fostering and Celebrating Caring at Home 

We encourage families to discuss the attribute of Caring at home and explore how it can be nurtured within your family setting. You can model kindness through everyday actions, celebrate small acts of empathy, and create opportunities for your child to practice being caring toward others. 


A Big Thank You to Our PYP Student Leaders 


Thank you to our Year 6 PYP student leaders, who interviewed two of our Year 1 students to find out what Caring means to them.   


Marlowe + Matilda Year 1 

Learner Profile Learner 


What does being caring mean to you?

Marlowe- 'I like being caring to others inside and outside of class'. 


How do you show the learner profile attribute caring, while at school?

Matilda- “Looking out for others when they need it.” 


How do you feel when you are caring?

Marlow- “I feel responsible, and I enjoy being caring to others.” 


Why is caring important?

Matilda- “Caring is important because that way everyone gets to feel equal and looked after.”