Student Interview - Siabella & Mia

What do you love about school?


  • All of the loving teachers and friends.



  • That we get a great education to make us the best people we can be in life.

Were you nervous or excited about starting Year 6?


  • I was nervous about starting Year 6 because I've never been in year 6 before, so it was a bit scary.



  • I was nervous about starting year 6 because it is my last year of primary school, and I finish!


What has been your favourite part of being at BNPS / What are you looking forward to being in Year 6?


  • I am looking forward to camp and more opportunities with my captain's role.


  • In year 6, I am looking forward to having the best last year of primary school. 
  • My favourite part of my 7 years at BNPS is the friendliness of all the teachers and students.




What do you want to be when you grow up?


  • I want to be a either a doctor or a vet.



  • When I grow up, I want to be a teacher, just like my prep teacher Miss Tess Durham now Mrs Tess Rounsley.



What did you see recently that made you smile/be happy?


  • Seeing my friends at school today.


  • When Nicole just now gave me a mentos that she stole(took) from Mrs Duffy's office.

If you had 2 wishes, what would you wish for?          


  • For everyone to be happy
  • For the year 6 jackets to arrive soon.



  • To make my parents proud of me
  • Stop Wars.