Physical Education

Hockey Clinics

Some of our students on Tuesday 18th Feb in their PE lessons were introduced to some fun Hockey skills. Two lovely girls from Southern United Hockey Club in Farm Road took the students through skills like- how to hold the stick properly, dribbling, stopping the ball and basic rules in the game. 


If any year 2 student is keen to try some Hockey please contact the Southern United Hockey Club. 

Fun and energetic to start the year off for our year 2 students and some of our year 4s. 





Lacrosse – Year 3s and 4s PE


For the past two weeks our year 3 and year 4 students have been lucky to have some Melbourne Lacrosse expert coaches come out and teach them all some skills in Lacrosse in preparation for year 5/6 sport in the coming years. 


Mike, Colby and Jack from MCC based at Beaumaris Secondary College have given up their time for Free to introduce the younger students to the game. They taught the students how to pass, catch, scoop using the lacrosse stick and some history behind the game and how the game has developed over time.  

The upcoming Olympics in 2028 will see the first Australian team in Lacrosse. 


If your child is interested in joining the club, please feel free to go down to BSC on a Thursday evening for a come and try from 5pm onwards. We already have many of our BNPS students training and joining teams.