Year 6 News

The Year 6 teachers have been impressed with how students have commenced the 2025 school year. Our new school leaders have embraced their roles with responsibility and open-mindedness, setting a positive example for their peers. 


Over the past few weeks, our focus has been on fostering a harmonious and supportive classroom environment. Together, we have established clear expectations for both our learning approaches and the way we share our spaces. 



To kick off the term, Year 6 students have been exploring decimals, factors, and multiples. They have engaged in challenging tasks that required them to collaborate in pairs, apply their prior knowledge, and develop problem-solving strategies. 




Our first unit of inquiry aligns with the transdisciplinary theme "How We Express Ourselves," emphasizing the unique qualities that define great leaders. Students have been diving into thought-provoking discussions on: 


  • The meaning of leadership 

  • Attributes of a strong leader 

  • Issues that inspire leadership 

  • How we can demonstrate leadership within our school and the wider community 


Through these explorations, students are gaining a deeper understanding of what it means to be a leader and how they can make a meaningful impact. 




We have been focusing on developing a positive, growth mindset. Using the Zones of Regulation to guide our well-being lessons, students have explored various strategies to maintain a mindful and balanced state. 


Cyber Safety

The Year 6 students enjoyed the Cyber Safety Incursion on Tuesday.

This incursion was designed to empower our students to take control of their own digital safety and wellbeing through an engaging and interactive workshop. The content is aligned to the Cyber Safety Project framework and values of responsibility, integrity, strength and empathy presented by  the Cyber Safety Project.