Learning Community 1

Jane Guy, Jess Beilby and Kate Stoll

Prep Guy  

Over the past two weeks we have been having a lot of fun learning how to swim and be safe around water. The students have been incredibly resilient, trying their absolute hardest; even on the cold wet days! In the classroom we have continued our work on our decoding strategies to work out unknown words and our comprehension strategies so we understand what we are reading. In Writing we continued with writing our Information Report to match our chosen minibeast. In the last week of school your child will present their learnings about their minibeast to the grade as part of our Speaking and Listening Curriculum. In Maths we have been having fun on Mathletics consolidating what we have learnt so far.  


I hope everyone has an amazing holiday with their children and I look forward to working with you to make Term Four the best term of your child’s first year of schooling. Thank you to all the amazing parents who come in every day and help out with Reading Circles; your assistance is most appreciated.  


Students Of The Week 

Congratulations to Hunter F who was voted as this week’s Student Of The Week. Classmates in Prep Guy said Hunter was very respectful, treating others kindly, he was responsible and concentrates on his learning and he is resilient, never giving up. We are so proud of you Hunter. 



Grade One Two

This week has been another big one. We have completed the Colour Run and had a lot of fun along the way. It was brilliant to see so many happy faces. Thank you you our wonderful Parents and Friends for running such a great Fundraiser. 

Swimming has been another hge success. We have some very tired kids, but they certainly have enjoyed themselves. 

We have also been looking at Collective nouns in class. Here are some examples of the students work. 

Student Achiever:

Congratulations to Jack Sheedy on being our student achiever this week. Jack always follows our school values and always does his best work. We are very proud of Jack and his published Narrative Story was incredible. 

Our final Student Achiever for the term will be Tilly Moore. Tilly consistently produces quality work and is always happy and smiling. Tilly is resilient and respectful and is working really hard with her handwriting. 


Congratulations to Elise for being the achiever this week. Elise has shown consistent improvement in her learning and has had a terrific week in class juggling the changes to our everyday routine. Miss Stoll is very proud of her.