Middle's Spotlight

During Term 3, the Middles have been learning all about Informative Texts. Informative texts are nonfiction writing that are written with the intention of informing the reader about a specific topic. Students had to research a topic that they were interested in and take notes, sort out the information into paragraphs and follow the structure of an Informative Text to produce their final copy. The Middles were very successful in this unit! Here is what some of the Middles had to say about our writing unit!
“I loved using facts in my writing and learning how to take notes in my own words” - Josh T
“I liked how we got to learn about the animals we were interested in. I liked working together to find out information that interested us!” - Elektra K
“I liked that we learnt about note taking and the importance of not plagiarising! I liked that we could work independently to create our informative text.” - Olivia B
“I liked that we could use google and choose our own topic.” - Sophie B
“I liked how it was organised into steps. It made it easter to write.” - Sansa B
“I liked how I had to write a draft and then got to type it out. And I liked the challenge of finishing it on time.” - Ethan P
See the photos below for excerpts from just a few of the fantastic information texts completed during this unit.