
Our Sustainability journey through ResourceSmart Schools and Sustainability Victoria has continued this term! You may have noticed our new display in the undercroft, which details what we have been working on to strive towards achieving our first ResourceSmart Schools star. We are currently working through our Waste Module and have been busy introducing some exciting new ways to combat waste at our school!
Our Green Team recently conducted a ‘Litter Audit’ of the playground to identify litter hotspots around our school. The team sorted and categorised the types of litter and made sure the litter was correctly disposed of in either the General Waste or Recycling bins.
Our Green Team leaders, Mella and Zia, have been working on a new initiative called ‘Nude Food Tuesdays’. Every second Tuesday, we encourage all students to bring ‘Nude Foods’ to school in order to minimise the amount of plastic and food wrappers that go into our General Waste bins. Mella and Zia will be monitoring the waste in each classroom and the class at the end of the term with the least waste will be awarded a prize. Check out the details from Mella and Zia below.
Each classroom will now have a Green Waste Caddy for children to dispose of food scraps. Our Green Team members from each class will be responsible for emptying the caddies into our new Green Waste Solar Composting Cone. The composting cone will recycle any food waste in the in-ground food chamber into nutrients that enrich the surrounding soil, which will also create the perfect environment for worms and micro-organisms to work their magic!
It is a very exciting time for Sustainability at St Joseph’s, well done to all of the Green Team for their efforts!
The Green Team is excited to announce that we have decided to have Nude Food Tuesdays! Every Tuesday, starting from Tuesday 5th of September, students are encouraged to bring no plastic or foil to school in their lunchboxes. Their lunch boxes will be checked by teachers, who will keep a tally of all the nude food lunch boxes in their class.
The class with the most points at the end of the year will have a casual clothes day, as well as a pizza party. We encourage students and parents to bring no plastic or foil on these days, and we hope that this will help to reduce our school’s waste.
Mella and Zia
Green Team Leaders