Wellbeing events coming up at St Joseph's...
🙂Body Image workshops for our Middle and Senior students (10th October)
🙂Body Image parent information evening (ONLINE - Thursday 12th October @7pm- save the date!)
Keep checking back each fortnight for more information about all of the above, and lots more.
This term, the teachers and students have been working together to develop clear behaviour expectations and a consequence flow chart for St Joseph's. We began by identifying the types of behaviours we have noticed and categorising these into minor and major behaviours. From there, we developed clear steps that would be taken should students exhibit these behaviours. The approach we have developed promotes restorative practices and encourages students to reflect on their choices and work with teachers to develop strategies to use in order to avoid repeating the behaviour. This involves students filling in a 'think sheet' and having a restorative conversation with Mary, Kate or Ashlyn.
We have been using this new system for the last couple of weeks with great success. Both students and teachers have commented on the positive impact and change they have noticed.
Please see the Consequence Flowchart and 'Think Sheets' below.