Family Educator's 


Mrs. Janine Hannigan 

Family Educator

Holy Land Pilgrimage

I was given the honour of presenting all the prayer intentions from our school community to the Chapel of the Apparitions. Having this opportunity helps us as a community to connect spiritually with this sacred site. The act of carrying these intentions and placing them at such a sacred site is seen as a way to seek blessings, guidance, and intercession for the well-being of the community and individuals. I was blessed to be entrusted with the intentions carrying them through the Holy Land and WYD to their final resting place. 

Thank you for sharing your faith with me. 


The Church of the Pater Noster Church located on one of the summits of Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. By current Christian tradition, it is the site where Jesus taught his disciples.

 “The Lord's Prayer”. All around the site, you will find the Lord’s Prayer in ancient languages. 

I was privileged enough to write special intentions for the community of SFX for students, staff and families at some spiritually significant historical sites. 


The Church of the Visitation - Jerusalem

The meeting of Mary and her cousin Elizabeth was a joyful event. Both found themselves pregnant in unusual circumstances - Elizabeth in her old age after suffering from infertility, and Mary by the Holy Spirit. 

Mary went to help Elizabeth during her pregnancy and at their meeting, John the Baptist leapt in the womb of Elizabeth, and she blessed Mary and the Christ Child.

Year 6 - Confirmation Reflection

Open our hearts and mind as we prepare for Confirmation. Help us to know that you are confirming all the goodness that we are and all the goodness that we will become. Increase our desire to know and follow Jesus as his disciple with a grateful and courageous heart. Amen.


Thank you to our Year Six class for allowing me to share in some of the preparation for Confirmation. The special candles turned out beautifully.  

100 Days of Kindergarten with Mrs Hannigan

Thank you to all the parents who joined me for our fun workshop. Truly using God's gifts to make a special handmade gift for your child, made with love. 

Raising Fathers Talk

In an age where there is a training manual to do almost everything, there is still no manual, map or compass to carry out one of the most important and impacting tasks on earth – Fathering!

Join us for a RAISING FATHERS Evening as we unpack practical advice and share stories that are powerfully important, impacting, informative and instructional for fathering in today’s world.

This is a partnership of the Sydney Centre of Evangelisation's Maximus Men’s Ministry Network, Robert Falzon and menAlive.




St Francis Xavier Playgroup

Welcome back to all the families who joined me on Wednesday, it was so lovely to catch up and share some of my pilgrimage experiences. 


All families from our community are welcome to join our playgroup age group is 0-5 years old. 

Term 3 

30th August 

6th September 

13th September 

20th September - Last one for Term


Each Wednesday we will meet in the hall at 9:10 am. 

All parents need to sign in and out via the office.

Parents must stay in the hall for the duration of the Playgroup. 

No parents are to be on their own outside of the hall. 


Wellness Walk

All are welcome to join me for a wellness walk around the local area.


Together let's slow down, start the day with movement and enjoy the surrounding beauty. 

What a great way to start our Thursday, we will be walking, chatting and grabbing a coffee. Let's meet on the church steps at 9:00am. Weather permitting. 

Term 3 Dates:


31st August 

7th September