Assistant Principal's 


Ms Fiona Scullion

Assistant Principal (acting)

As I write this, I cannot believe that we are already more than halfway through the term. This fortnight has provided some fantastic memories and occasions that spotlight the variety of learning experiences at St Francis Xavier.



No doubt the highlight was our visit from Channel 7 as we donned our green and gold in support of the Matilda's. We were originally only allocated time to cover the live cross for the 10:30 am news. However, shortly after the coverage finished, the network called our cameraman to ask for more footage as they absolutely loved the enthusiasm and colour that our students brought to the broadcast.... what a proud moment for us. Our golden girls didn't win that night but many students from Kindergarten to Year Six said it was the “best day ever!”


Our Year 5/6 students took part in the ‘Write a Book in a Day’ experience. I have been blown away by the quality and creativity of the completed products. Well done to the students for some wonderful books - we may have some future authors or book illustrators in our midst.


Our littlest students celebrated a huge milestone last week with 100 (and a few more) days of Kindergarten. What an exciting journey these 5 and 6 year olds have had over the last 3 terms - it is hard to imagine a time when they weren’t a part of our school community. The students in KG and KW entertained their parents, student audience and teachers with a fabulous assembly last Friday. Well done, Kindy!



And finally, our 2023 Book Week character parade. Another opportunity for a burst of colour and creativity as all shapes and sizes of book characters came to life on the main playground. We really do have some very creative parents and families within our school community - some of the homemade costumes were outstanding! All the students had a great time striding the catwalk and proud parents and friends added more photos to the memory pile. 


Let's see what the next fortnight will bring!


Kind regards,

Fiona Scullion