Principal's News

Ms Grace Carlo-Stella

Principal (acting)

Dear Parents,


It's hard to believe that we are already over halfway through the term. The past few weeks have been nothing short of exciting and eventful.

Promoting Matilda's Soccer Team

Last week, we had the incredible opportunity to be featured on Channel 7 as we promoted Matilda's soccer team. The energy and excitement in our school were truly infectious and we extend our gratitude to Mr Christian Blasonato for making this event possible.

Successful Book Week


Our annual Book Week character parade last Monday was a roaring success, thanks to the new setup that received many positive comments. Witnessing our students dressed up as their favourite characters brought the school to life, making it feel like the library had sprung onto the playground from the pages of a book.

Sacrament of Cofirmation

Tomorrow marks a significant day as our Year 6 students will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to Fr. Richard and the parish for preparing our students for this sacrament. Special appreciation also goes to Mr. Nick Criniti and Mrs. Eleni Kyriakou for effectively integrating the parish program into the classroom experience.

Upcoming Annual Musical

Our highly anticipated annual musical is rapidly approaching, and we couldn't be more excited. We would like to express our gratitude to all the parents who have been tirelessly organising costumes. Tickets for the musical will go on sale the week starting 4th September, more information will be sent out shortly.

Father day Celebration

As we approach Father's Day next week, we're gearing up for a heart warming celebration. A big shout out goes to the Year 2 parents for coordinating the morning tea, and we are grateful to all our teachers for preparing a special assembly. Special thanks to Mrs. Natalie Rahme and Mr. Christian Blasonato for their outstanding efforts in coordinating this event.



We are continually amazed by the enthusiasm and support from our parent community. Your involvement makes a significant impact on the experiences we can provide for our students. As always, we encourage open communication, so if you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Thank you for being a part of the St Francis Xavier family, and we look forward to more exciting times ahead!


Kind  regards,


Grace Carlo-Stella

Principal (acting)