Digital Technologies

Do you remember when you were little and those 'Choose Your Own Adventure' books were all the rage? - I do, and I LOVED them (in fact, I can still clearly remember the cover of the one I had with a Knight and Dragon fighting)


This week with the 5/6 students, I wanted to recreate that feeling, but with a digital twist, so we started working on our own 'non-linear, interactive stories' (which is a fancy way of saying 'choose your own adventure')


We started out by looking at some of the original books (Thanks Mr B) which I read in my very best dramatic Batman voice, from there the young people were off, We used Twinery ( an online platform for creating these kinds of stories, and as soon as students started writing there was no stopping them - We already have superhero stories, journeys to distant planets, and many, many, murder mysteries.

So, please enjoy some pics from the session here, and hopefully, if we get them done by the end of the term, we can entertain you with some 'Choose your own Adventure' stories here over the Term 3 break.


To be continued....

