Classroom Update

Grade 3/4WY

A message from Grade 3 /4!


It is very hard to believe that this is Week Ten - the final one for the term! As usual it has been a busy, productive term which concludes this Friday with a very special celebration in our room. On Friday we join with Charlotte, Maddy, Connor and Kristopher as they receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. We have them in our prayers and we are very lucky to be able to share this special time with them and their families.

Our Religious Education Unit is called ’Jesus Models Forgiveness’ and links in with the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We have been talking about how forgiveness and saying sorry are important parts of building and maintaining relationships.


Last Tuesday we took a bus ride over to visit our Galen buddies. Our buddies then took us across to the Mullinmur Billabong. We met Mr Ian Minns who told us all about the history of the area and led us on a walk around the billabong. We planted lots of trees to help our environment. What a great way to celebrate the Season of Creation and Spring!



This term we have enjoyed reading and writing biographies. We especially enjoyed interviewing and writing about someone in our family – some investigative reporters in the making! 


Our handwriting is slowly improving as we learn how to join letters and develop our own cursive style. Some pen licences have already been issued! 


I am so proud of the attitude and perseverance that we have had with our reading – the encouragement we have for each other is amazing!


Our Inquiry Unit this term was about Empathy. The unit called ‘In Someone Else’s Shoes’ looked at how we treat others, particularly the disabled. We researched some disabilities and then chose someone with a disability to write a biography about. This resulted in new awakenings about all the people around us.


In Maths we have worked hard with fractions. The realisation that ‘if we know our times tables it will also help with fractions’ was a great revelation! We have also enjoyed working with 3D shapes over the past couple of weeks. 



Thanks for your continued support this term. It has been wonderful to see the progress that all the children are making. I look forward to working with them again next term.

I hope you get some time to enjoy the spring sunshine over the holiday break! 

