Secondary 7/8

It is hard to believe another term is done and dusted, it has been a wonderful and busy term in Secondary 7/8A. Of course, this term was dedicated towards our fantastic Concord School Musical. 7/8A had multiple students with acting roles, along with everyone who worked incredibly hard to remember every dance move off by heart. It has been such a pleasure watching this incredible performance come together, along with seeing the resilience, determination and connections every student made over the journey.
If Spectacular wasn’t enough, 7/8A also engaged in several incredible learning experiences that connected to our Discovery Unit. During Term 3, 7/8A have been learning all about Australian Animals, focusing on marsupials, monotremes, reptiles, birds and aquatic animals. 7/8A loved attending experience days that supported their understanding and knowledge through hands-on experience such as the Melbourne Museum, Healesville Sanctuary, and Bundoora Farm. Along with engaging incursions from Reptile encounters and Life Savers Victoria, it has been another enriching term, I can’t wait to see what awaits in Term 4.
I hope everyone has a safe and relaxing break.
Secondary 7/8B have had a wonderful time this term, participating in a lot of wonderful experiences!
For our Discovery unit this term, we started learning about all of the different types of Australian Animals. These have included marsupials, reptiles, aquatic animals and birds. It has been great to see the class apply their knowledge during our Experience Day activities, using what we have learned in the classroom to identify different marsupials and birds at the Darebin Parklands as well as seeing all of the amazing animals at Healesville Sanctuary. The class has also enjoyed crafting different animals such as crocodiles, dolphins and various birds. I am also proud of the class giving it their best during the Spectacular Performance. Thank you 7/8B for another great term!
I hope we all have a nice and relaxing break over the Holidays.
Another great term has come to an end. Secondary 7/8C has come to life on our excursions this term.
Class favourites have been the Healesville Sanctuary, where we learnt all about Australian Animals (and got swooped by an owl) and the Preston Market to gain an experience of using money to buy food and other fascinating bits and bobs. The class has enjoyed learning new skills and developing old ones including:
- Key writing skills whilst exploring experience days
- Learning more about Australian Animals during reading sessions
- Deepening their understanding of multiplication and division while connecting them to grouping and sharing
- Increasing their understanding of measurement through looking at the capacity of a container to hold popcorn vs the volume of common drinks or measuring how far they can jump like a kangaroo vs the distance to travel to Far North Queensland.
Incursions such as the Zoo That Comes To You and the Mad Science incursion have also been a blast for the class. Lastly the class made an amazing effort to learn and perform our class dance to “The Boys Are Back” for our Concord School Musical!
Have a great break.
We have all had an eventful term. We enjoyed all our weekly incursions and excursions. Some of our favourites were witnessing the Life Saving Victoria Helicopter taking off, visiting the Australian Animals at Healesville Sanctuary, and seeing kangaroos at the local Gresswell Park. The highlight of the term has been the most awaited Spectacular Show.
We had been practising for two terms to perform for the big day. All our students were skilled and enthusiastic dancers. We congratulate Josh, Franky and Jamie for playing lead acting roles in the Concord High School Musical.
We have once again given our best to be respectful, be a learner, be responsible and be safe.
We hope you enjoy your Spring break. See you next term.
Secaonday7/8E have had an amazing Term 3; we have had so many fun learning opportunities that it has just flown by, the holidays and AFL Finals are here. Karen, Matthew, Kurt and Roman have all their fingers and toes crossed for a Collingwood Premiership. We probably should also say that Justin and Lukas are cheering loudly for Carlton. We have enjoyed the incursions but have absolutely loved getting out and going to: Healesville Sanctuary, Gresswell Park, LaTrobe Sanctuary and the Preston Market. We loved the chocolate mug cakes and popcorn we made for Maths, thoroughly investigated so many Australian Animals in Reading and improved our writing by writing about all the fun experiences we have had. We have already got special events planned for Term 4. The ‘Concord School Musical’ was spectacular. Well done to 78E Actors; Sierra, Matthew, Kurt, Mason, Frankie, Justin and Gemma, such stars.
“Guten Morgen, Buongiorno and Bonjour” are our morning greetings in our ‘Welcome Circle’ each day. After saying “good morning” we do a feelings check in, answer 2 questions each, look at the calendar and daily timetable, make announcements about special events of the day and finally do fun movement warmups so we are primed to learn.
We wish everyone a happy and safe holiday, especially those who are heading off on adventures in an aeroplane.
Another term is done and dusted and what a busy term we’ve had! Of course Spectacular was the main event this term, with the students working so hard to remember their lines and their moves for our class dance. It has been incredible watching it all come together and we are so proud of what they have achieved! Other highlights this term include the many excursions we have been on to explore Australian Animals and habitats. Healesville Sanctuary was voted the class favourite and they really enjoyed seeing koalas, emus, echidnas and snakes close up. These excursions offered students the opportunity to apply their new knowledge to real life settings and have something motivating to write about during our writing sessions. Last but not least, 78F loved watching the Lifesaving Victoria helicopter take off from the oval. It’s been another enriching term and we look forward to what awaits us on the other side of school holidays!!
Have a wonderful break everyone :)
It was Australian Animal mania in Secondary 7/8G this term! We read multiple books on the topic, watched videos, and of course went to Nangak Wildlife Sanctuary, Healesville Sanctuary and Gresswell Forest. We used books on Australian Animals to base our reading lessons on this term.
In Maths, we have focused on measurement, multiplication, division and money. As you know, we will be heading to Preston Market next term to celebrate what we’ve learned during our money unit.
The highlight of the term for many students was Spectacular. We worked so hard each week to memorise our dances and our lines. It’s been marvellous watching it all come together.
We had the privilege of participating in a Mad About Science incursion, in which multiple 7/8G students had the chance to model experiments.
Another highlight of the term was seeing the Lifesaving Victoria Helicopter take off on our Oval! What a treat.
I must congratulate the students on their hard work during this busy term. With lots of schedule changes due to excursions and incursions, the students have shown resilience and flexibility.
Well done 7/8G!
What a wonderful and busy term we have had in 7/8H.
All preparation went towards the fantastic Concord School Musical, 7/8H had a total of 7 actors who all had a speaking role. All of the students worked so hard remembering lines and dance moves for three different dances. Students should be very proud of their achievements throughout the term and what a wonderful show it was.
We also introduced a new style of Writing based on experiences within the community and the class. Some of the students' highlights were heading to Healesville Sanctuary and Gresswell Forest where students saw lots of different Australian Animals; these experiences assisted students with the writing process and tied into our Discovery Unit ‘Why are Australian Animals Unique’.
7/8H also loved the Lifesaving Victoria helicopter visit to Concord School. They got up close to the helicopter and got to ask questions to the pilot, students then watched the helicopter take off while the man stood on the outside giving everyone a big wave.
Have a fantastic break and we look forward to all the adventures of Term 4.