In & Out of the Classroom

Land Ahoy!

According to the Kindergarten boys, we have a ship docked at Austins Ferry amongst the bush! The students visited the Senior campus on Wednesday where they enjoyed rich play experiences and time to explore, limited oby their imagination.

Sport Science 3

Sport Science students have been investigating the impact of reaction time and decision making on skill acquisition and sporting performance. This lab involved students using different sized balls to investigate how changing intensity of stimuli impacted reaction time. Students reaction time was further challenged with alternating verbal commands with ‘catching’ meaning dropping and ‘dropping’ meaning catching the ball. The purpose of this task was to address stimuli-response compatibility. 

Landscapes of Learning

Year 8 Humanities (History and Geography) have swapped for Semester 2 and begun their studies by exploring landscapes. The Geography students have been out in the physical landscape at Austins Ferry observing ancient rock formations, drawing some sketches at the railway tracks and waterfront and comparing these to our recent building works. The History students have been learning about the different rights and responsibilities within the medieval Feudal system, and drawing maps describing the interconnectedness of the different social classes, authorities, trades and agriculture.