Review into Administrative and Compliance Activities in Schools

On Thursday, May 28, Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, The Hon Ben Carroll MP, announced the launch of an Independent Review focusing on administrative and compliance activities in government schools. The Review will be overseen by Ms. Katie Roberts-Hull, an expert in education policy and research. I have had opportunity to meet with Katie by way of introductory meeting and we discussed the terms of the Review and planned consultative process.
The purpose of the Review is to explore the fundamental causes of administrative and compliance tasks in government schools, find ways to address these causes, and provide recommendations for reducing and managing such work more effectively. The Review has commenced, with a final report expected by December 2024.
The APF in collaboration with CEP, PASS, VASSP and VPA, has developed a strong stance on the challenges that school leaders face in their roles. This position emerged from the Education Summit held in March 2023 and we are very pleased to see recognition of the need to address the impact of administrative and compliance tasks on school leaders.
For more information about the Review and its terms of reference, please visit the Independent Review into administrative and compliance activities available at Independent Review into administrative and compliance activities in Victorian government schools.
Members are strongly encouraged to engage and contribute to this review. There will be several opportunities to do so in the coming months and you can submit your initial thoughts on the Review via this online form.
In addition to the Review, the Department is convening a Consultative Committee on administrative workload matters. The Committee will serve as an advisory body on the conduct of the Review and will discuss long term strategies to better manage administrative and compliance activities in schools. The APF is a significant stakeholder in this work and will have representation on the Consultative Committee. We look forward to engaging with its members and leadership to gather insights and feedback throughout the review and consultation process.