Phys Ed News

Division & Regional Cross Country
Well-done to Samuel Evans (8th), Jessica Lane (13th), Archie Proctor (16th) who competed at the Division Cross Country at Yarra Glen racecourse on Tuesday 4th June. You should all be very proud of their results.
Samuel then went and competed at the at Regional Cross Country on Thursday 13th June. He did a super job, coming 31st. Congratulations Samuel.
Year 5&6 Winter Interschool Sport Gala Day
Congratulations to the Open Soccer team who were crowned ‘District’ champions. They played so well together, with some amazing passes, incredible goals, and super saves. Good luck at Division early next term. Thankyou to all the parents who assisted with coaching, helped manager a team or supporting the teacher, we could do it without you.
The Year 3-6 House Athletics will be held on Wednesday 24th July.
See Compass for all the details. If you can help on the day, please send Andy MacCartney an email.
Whole School Swimming program will on Tuesday 3rd September – Friday 13th September. All details will come out next term.