Student of the Week

Award being presented: Friday 19th July 2024
00A | Nomination 1: Ruth - for your wonderful attitude towards school! You start each day with a big smile on your face and try your best no matter the task! Keep up the amazing work Ruth! |
Nomination 2: Hamish - for demonstrating what it means to be a great learner by challenging your brain when learning our phonograms! I love the way you find new words with tricky double-letter phonograms in them! Great work Hamish! |
| Nomination 1: Sienna - for challenging your brain during our phonogram lesson. I love how you not only practised reading ‘oo’ words but you wrote two of your favourite ones in a sentence saying ‘Look at the fancy boots’. You are one clever cookie Sienna! |
Nomination 2: James - for making every day that little bit brighter in Prep B! Your interesting stories and humorous jokes never fail to bring smiles to our faces. You are an amazing friend, James, and we are very lucky to have you in our class. |
00C | Nomination 1: Logan V - for a wonderful finish to Term 2! It was so lovely to see you joining in on your learning in the classroom and having a smile on your face. Keep up the awesome effort Logan! |
Nomination 2: Avni K - for putting in wonderful effort with your learning. It’s so wonderful seeing you give things a go on your own and trying your hardest. Keep up the amazing effort Avni! |
00D | Nomination 1: Rosa-Annette - for showing so much improvement when reading and writing her phonograms. Well done Rosa-Annette, I am so proud of you! |
Nomination 2: Miles for demonstrating what a great learner he is by blending phonograms together to read three letter words. Keep up the excellent effort Miles, what a superstar! |
1A | Nomination 1: Chloe |
Nomination 2: Lewie |
| Nomination 1: Emma - for listening attentively during our persuasive writing unit by upleveling your writing to include interesting words and a rhetorical question. What fantastic learning you have done! |
Nomination 2: Kendrick - for your enthusiasm to learn. You come to school ready to ask questions and try new things each day. It is such a wonderful attitude and trait to have! Well done! |
1C | Nomination 1: Zoe - for working so hard in Maths to solve subtraction problems. You are using the strategies that we have learnt to work out the answer. I am so proud of you. Well done and keep up the great work! |
Nomination 2: Austin - for doing a fantastic job in writing. You wrote down some very clever clues for your peers to try and solve what colour crayon you had chosen. I am so proud of you. Well done and keep up the great work! |
| Nomination 1: Theo - for a wonderful finish to Term 2! You have been a wonderful friend to everyone this term. We are so lucky to have your wonderful self in 1D! |
Nomination 2: DimBoih - for always giving 100% in every maths lesson. You are such a great learner. Keep up the great work. |
1E | Nomination 1: Jaida - for her excellent work in Heggerty. You are an active participant and are always giving it a go. Well done! |
Nomination 2: Bawi Cing - for always being a respectful, responsible learner. You always come into class with a big smile ready to learn. |
| Nomination 1: Zaiden - You have been nominated by 2A for being kind, letting classmates play with you, hilarious, kind and helpful. Well done Zaiden! |
Nomination 2: Sierra- for her fantastic work in our writing sessions with her dialogue. Love seeing your creative and funny ideas. Keep up the great work! |
| Nomination 1: Alyssa - nominated by your peers for being a wonderful friend. You always show kindness and respect to everyone. We love having you in 2B. |
Nomination 2: All of 2B Everyone has worked so hard this term. You have all blown me away with your amazing descriptive writing and all the tricky maths worded problems you have solved. Keep being amazing!
2C | Nomination 1: Lea N - was nominated by her peers for being super smart. They also think you are a very kind, helpful and thoughtful friend. We are so lucky to have you as part of our class! |
Nomination 2: Kalani V M - for working well during Maths. Your understanding of worded problems is amazing! |
2D | Nomination 1: Tate D - for showing enthusiasm for every task in class, coming up with creative ways to solve problems and helping his classmates with their learning. |
Nomination 2: Heki W - for playing kindly and cooperatively with his friends and helping them when they need it. |
| Nomination 1: Oliver R - for being a kind and gentle classmate who always helps others during learning time if they need it. Your patient approach makes you an excellent leader in the room. |
Nomination 2: Nash - for sharing your general knowledge facts with the grade. Your passion for interesting facts is infectious. |
3B | Nomination 1: Alma - for always being so respectful to her peers. You are a true role model to those around you. |
Nomination 2: Melki - for being so enthusiastic during our warm fuzzies. It’s great to see you so eager to share your thoughts with your peers! Keep it up. |
| Nomination 1: Millie H - nominated by your peers for your persistence in your learning. We love having you in 3C because of how you help the class but also how you push yourself in your learning. Keep it up!!! PS. Mr Warren-Smith is a big fan of your song recommendations. |
Nomination 2: Henry K - for being respectful and responsible in the way you explain your number understandings and justify the way you solve different number problems. Thanks for discussing the Split strategy with the class so we can all use it effectively. |
| Nomination 1: Casper - for his wonderful rap video that he created on pollution and seaweed. It was both informative and entertaining! Keep up the wonderful work. |
Nomination 2: Lenny - for his impressive information report and poster on Marine Pollution. It was very imformative and taught our class lots about what is happening in our oceans. Fantastic work! |
4B | Nomination 1: Reid - for his positivity and enthusiasm in the classroom. Your classmates are so impressed by your work efforts and your ability to challenge yourself. Well done! |
Nomination 2: Ruati - nominated by your class for being polite towards others during learning times and always looking for ways to cheer people up when they need it! |
5A | Nomination 1: |
Nomination 2: |
5B | Nomination 1: Isabel R - for creating a beautiful and in-depth diary entry from the point of an explorer. Outstanding character development and historical insight went into this. |
Nomination 2: |
| Nomination 1: Ethan - for your amazing efforts in Mathematics. You are a wonderful mathematician who continues to grow and absorb everything you learn. Well done on also helping those around you. Well done Eth! |
Nomination 2: Alia - for working really hard on your information writing skills. You always try your best and ask for help when you need it. Your positive work ethic and willingness to learn are amazing! |
| Nomination 1: Matilda - being a great ‘MasterCook’ |
Nomination 2: Celina - for teaching the class to draw a human figure |
6B | Nomination 1: Cing Cing - for being such a hardworking student. You try your best in every lesson - what a superstar learner! |
Nomination 2: Augustine - for embracing every extension challenge. Your craving for knowledge is inspiring - keep it up! |
6C | Nomination 1: Esther - for her kindness in making cards for Ms Jacobs and Mrs. Abbott which included a beautiful, hand-drawn portrait of each teacher. |
Nomination 2: Flynn - for being an excellent learner, trying really hard and getting all his learning tasks completed. |
| Nomination 1: Gabriel M (5A) - for your enthusiasm in learning Indonesian and never give up spirit! Keep it up and good luck, Gabe! |
Nomination 2: Xander V F (5B) - for joining in the Indonesian card game although you’re regulating your emotion! You’ve shown me resilience, Xander! Bagus! |
EAL | Nomination 1: Tha Ku 2B - for neatly writing so many excellent questions for your partner! Amazing effort Tha Ku! |
Nomination 2: Rosalie 2C - for your effort in EAL, especially during our question writing activity! |
Performing Arts | Nomination 1: |
Nomination 2: |
Visual Arts
| Nomination 1: Maddison W (3A) - for consistently working to a high standard in art. You often have a unique approach to tasks and are always trying to improve. Well done. |
Nomination 2: Alexander X (3B) - for always demonstrating our school values in art classes. You want to learn, are respectful of your peers and staff and always step up when needed to help out. It’s a pleasure to teach you. |
Physical Education | Nomination 1: Lenny M (4B) - for his fantastic commitment to run each week at Running Club. |
Nomination 2: Madeline W (3B) - for showing greater confidence in PE lessons and for demonstrating an excellent technique in triple jump. |
Science & Technology
| Nomination 1: Olivia Hyde 2B - for working hard to complete the Indi Car challenge when your group members were away on holiday. You showed exceptional persistence and resilience. |
Nomination 2: Luna 2D - for consistently upholding the school values in everything that you do in Science and Technology. You are an absolute delight to teach! |