Wellbeing Day

Yr 7 – Launch Program – Animal Therapy Australia
In the last period on Tuesday, all the year seven students had an animal therapy session. Therapy Animals Australia specialises in training dogs for emotional support and companionship. The year sevens all went into the PAC to begin the session. Throughout the session, we learned about mental health, how to care for ourselves and also how these trained therapy dogs can help too. Throughout the presentation we met Radar. After the presentation, everyone went out to have a pat at two more dogs, Mo and Bailey. Yesterday's animal therapy session was fun, interesting and all the year seven students learned something from it.
Chloe Pelham
Yr 7
Year 8s – Launch Program - Wellbeing and Health Lifestyle workshop
On Tuesday the 11th of June, last period we had launch but this launch was different to our usual launch lesson. Throughout the lesson we did many activities such as wellbeing, shooting basketballs, brain teasers, mindfulness and a 9 letter word game. This was fun and allowed everybody to take a break from our usual activities. These lessons also taught us important skills such as ways to calm yourself down and treating yourself with care.
Orla McEeaney
Yr 8
Year 9s – Launch Program – Tomorrow Man/ Tomorrow Woman
On Wednesday the 11/6/24 the year 9 students all participated in a 2-hour wellbeing session. This session was run by the Tomorrow Women workshops organization and provided each house group of about 25 girls with one guest speaker to lead us through the period. Throughout the afternoon we talked about the stereotypes society has set, our experiences, and what it looks like to be a girl/woman in the world today, vs what we actually want it to look like. Furthermore, we learnt about how we can use our voices to advocate for the things that we feel are right and what kind of effects these ‘stereotypes’ are having on women all over the world. We went through a series of activities designed to show us that unlike what we sometimes think, we’re not alone in most situations, and that it’s super common for someone to be going through the same thing as you. Overall, this session helped verbalize what every girl is seeing in the world today, and focused deeper on the reasoning behind these stereotypes and expectations as well as what can be done.
Olivia Reifschneider
Year 9
In Launch, students participated in the Tomorrow Man Tomorrow Woman activities. In Tomorrow Man we looked at common gender stereotypes that males are raised with. We discussed some statistics revolving around men, and took time to open up and share our experiences with other people. The activities were really helpful in learning about our peers and their personnel struggles, and also learning how to share our feelings and troubles with our mates, giving us a deeper relationship.