Around the Classrooms


Welcome back to term 3 in the Art room.


 Grade 5/6 finished off last term with a fun outdoor activityin between showers testing our ‘Japanese Fish Kites’ that were made on special diffusing paper.


They’ve begun this term looking at various sports that are connected to the upcoming OlympicGames and using oil pastels and white pencils, they sketched figures to depict a different sport.


Grade 1/2s also used diffusing paper and ink markers with water to create beautiful, tie-dyed effectfloral designs, drawing their own flowers to create a special collage.


Preps have been looking at the’ colourful rings’ design that represent the Olympic Games. They alsomade a flag to represent France (Paris) where the Olympic games are to be held.


Grade 3/4s have started the term creating felted collage pictures depicting, once again the FrenchFlag and the torch with the flame to celebrate the upcoming special event.


We have a busy term planned and the children are looking forward to creating some fantastic artworks.