Parents and Friends


Family Movie Night is here! With a brand new digital screen, come and join us for this perfectwinter season event as we bring our families together for a night of fun and entertainment!

As the kids cosy up in their pjs and blankets, there will not be any shortage of popcorn andtreats! We will offer 2 movie choices for the students to vote on and the most popular moviewill be screened on the night! Grab your tickets via   or simplyscan the QR code on the poster by 31 July 2024.  We look forward to seeing you there!



We are very lucky to have a wonderful arrangement with our local Woolworths. Each week they provide us with fruit to support our community throughout the week. We pick up the fruit on a Sunday and drop it off to school on a Monday morning. In order to get this fruit to our children, wonderful members of our community give up their time to pick up and drop off this fruit to school each week of the school term. Sending a big thank-you to those people – to Nerida, Lorraine, Leang, Biju and Hayley.


Want a time light commitment to get involved in our community?  This might be it!!  

We are looking for people to join this crew to deliver the fruit each week – each person would be responsible for a pick once or twice a term. If you are interested, please reach out via email



Spent some time during the holidays cleaning out the uniforms at home? Have your kids spontaneously grown in the middle of winter?  We always welcome donations of uniforms. This has become a great support to our fundraising efforts to help support our specialist program delivery. Donations can be accepted a the office. We will open the uniform shop in coming weeks and will notify via Skoolbag of the opening.


Megan Champion

P&F President