SKiPPA Update

St Kilda Park Parents' Association

Winter Solstice 

The oval was alight with candles and fun last Thursday night at the Winter Solstice, thank you to everyone who got involved in the fun. 

A HUGE thankyou to Angela and Annie for the mulled wine, the kitchen crew who helped heat, serve and clean and Immy and crew from Little Sister Bakery for the rolls! These events aren’t possible without community support, we are very grateful.

A shout out to our awesome entertainment, Jess Cooney who generously performed some amazing fire twirling for us to close out the evening and our fabulous school orchestra. 


Term two saw the introduction of a new supplier for sushi – Alex and the team at Sushi Izu (inside St Kilda Woolworths).   We are happy to say that we will continue with the sushi for term 3.

Orders open tomorrow on Thursday 27th June and close at 12pm on Wednesday 17th July.   A Compass news feed will be posted with the link to order tomorrow. 

Please ensure you order before the deadline, as late orders will not be accepted.  



For the past 2 weeks we have been sampling the soup from a new provider- Dineamic. Their delicious pumpkin soup was also served at the Winter Solstice event last week. 


SKIPPA will be again offering soup for lunch in term 3 after swimming concludes.   

Watch out for the link in newsletters early next term, which will also include a parent/carer helper roster to help in filling the student’s tummies with warm soup this winter!  


Anyone can order Dineamic at home, their meals are not only delicious but are carbon neutral, made with locally sourced ingredients including free range and grass fed produce as well as being preservative free. - you receive $25 off for your first order. 

Pay it Forward 

The purpose of SKIPPA is to encourage engagement and provide support within our school community. 


We understand that the cost of living is only getting higher and some families within our community might be feeling that financial strain. For next term we have introduced a ‘pay it forward’ option on the ordering pages for the school lunches that SKiPPA organises. 


If you can help contribute by donating, the money will go towards another student’s sushi or soup order, who otherwise may have missed out due to economic circumstances.

Term 3 key dates 

  • Sushi ordering period for term 3 - opens 27 June – closes midday 17 July 2024. 
  • Father’s/Parent’s/Special Person’s Day Morning – 30 August 2024
  • Last day of school/Footy Breakfast - 20th September 2024


If you would like to know anything else about SKIPPA, or if you would like to drive a new event or build on an existing event please let us know by joining our meetings or emailing us at