Important Notices

Foundation School Tours & Enrolments
Closing soon - Friday 26th July
With the Foundation enrolment period closing soon, we are asking all SKIPPS parents to spread the word! If you know of any parents looking to enrol their child into Foundation in 2025, please ask them to sign up to one of our remaining 2 school tours.
Enrolment forms can be collected from the office or downloaded here.
The state-wide deadline for Foundation enrolments is Friday 26th July 2024. Completed enrolment forms must be submitted to the school office by this point.
Swimming reminder
Whilst we have reached the end of another incredibly busy term 2, term 3 begins with our swimming program taking place in week 2 (for our Year 3-6 classes) and Week 3 (for our F-2 classes).
If you have not already, can you ensure that you complete the consent and payment for swimming on Compass AND return the Medical Consent paperwork sent home by your child's class teacher by the end of this week?
The medical consent form is available here if you require a copy.
This will allow us to confirm numbers and arrangements with MSAC.
Winter Solstice - thank you!
As mentioned later in the newsletter, last Thursday's 'Winter Solstice' event was a huge success and hopefully becomes a great new event for our school calendar.
I would like to thank our Parents' Association, and in particular Brook Saunders, for their vision and hard work to make this happen so smoothly and for so many people.
Lost Property
As always, the end of term sees our lost property racks overflowing with discarded jumpers, coats and other belongings.
Please come and take a look at the racks (situated just off the quadrangle, by the piano near the Year 3/4 classrooms) to check whether your child may have something to collect.
See below for a few selected items.
As always, any items left at the end of term will be donated to charity.
Peter Coombe concert
It has been a few weeks but we are still buzzing from our amazing Peter Coombe visit earlier in the month.
To host such an iconic figure in Australian music and from the childhoods of so many of our parents, staff and students, was a huge honour and it is safe to say he impressed us all and lived up to every part of our incredibly high expectations.
These great photos from the afternoon were taken by Bec Walton and show just how engaged the children were by the songs.
Once again, a huge thank you to the family who made the incredibly generous anonymous donation that allowed us to make this possible for the whole school community.
Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF) closing Friday 28th June
The CSEF helps ensure that no student will miss out on the opportunity to join their classmates for important, educational and fun activities. CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities. In 2024, the CSEF amount per student is $150 for primary school students.
If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families. Please see the final page of this newsletter for an application form and further information.
Looking for a school holiday activity?
The Children's International Film Festival (CHIFF) month-long celebration of cinema is designed to captivate and inspire young audiences and their families. This year, for the first time ever, CHIFF will run throughout the winter school holidays, running from 8 June to 14 July 2024.
The 2024 festival line-up includes films in English, as well as a selection of foreign language films with English subtitles.
For more info and to book tickets visit:
Please return your library books
With the End of Term just around the corner, could all Library books please be returned to school as soon as possible.
Upcoming Term dates
Students will be dismissed at 2:30pm on the last day Term 2, Friday 28th June.
Term 3 will begin on Monday 15th July.
A Curriculum Day will be held Friday 19th July, and students will not be required at school on that day.
If your child requires supervision on Friday 19th July, please Team Kids will be available for reserve a place for them with Team Kids at
Chess & Robotics - Term 3 bookings now open!
We have received great feedback from students about these extra-curricular programs!
To get your child involved, book a spot through Kids Unlimited now!
Tax-Deductible contributions to SKiPPS
SKiPPS operates two Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) funds which allow parents and community members to make tax-deductible donations.
As we approach the end of the tax year, we ask parents to bear us in mind if they are looking to receive the tax benefits that charitable donations can bring.
We have two funds - a School Building Fund (which is then used to maintain and upgrade our school buildings) and also a School Library Fund (which is used to build and maintain our school library). All donations would be gratefully received.
If you wish to donate please contact Nova, our Business Manager at To find out more about the tax benefits of donating to a DGR fund, please speak to your accountant.
If you have already donated, your payment receipt can be found on Compass, under the Course/Confirmation section.