Principal Report

Mr. Lehane

End of Term Celebration

An end of term celebration will be held on the last Thursday of term. Information about this celebration will be sent home on a flyer next week. 


Braxton and Bruce represented the school as part of the St. Inglebridge team at the Sandhurst Division Soccer Competition today. 



Parent Teacher Interviews 

Parent Teacher interviews will take place in early in Term 3. Families will be able to book a time through uEducateUs. 


Junior Families- This will be an opportunity for you to have some time to get to know Miss. Deane and share any important information about your student. You will also be able to discuss goals for students for Semester 2. 


Senior Families - We will discuss progress as well as goals for each student in Semester 2.

School Athletics


The School Athletics are now scheduled for Wednesday 19th June. Please ensure you have signed the permission form on uEducateUs. 


On the day students will need to:- 

  • Wear their white sport uniform
  • Bring warm clothes
  • Bring a packed lunch with plenty of food and a drink bottle. 
  • Students may bring money for the canteen but this should not be relied upon for lunch.

Cultural Day at Inglewood Primary School

On Thursday 13th June we travelled to Inglewood Primary School t participate in a range of cultural activities. 

Students completed three rotations:

  1. Indigenous Games - Students used a tennis ball and catapult in place of a woomera and spear to practice hunting skills. they also completed a number of other indigenous games. 
  2. Students made head bands using gum nuts and emu feathers. 
  3. Students made necklaces using emu feathers. 

It was a fantastic day and at Inglewood Primary School and the students loved playing with some new faces.