Leadership Report

Thursday 13th June 2024


Dear Parents, Students and Friends,


It has been a busy few weeks at Highvale Primary School! Rehearsals for our school production are well underway and I was fortunate to have popped in this week to see our wonderful senior students in action. I am very much looking forward to seeing them on the big stage in Term 3 – I'm sure it will be a memorable event! 


We recently ran a competition for students to design the 2024 Production, “Star Warts: The Umpire Strikes Back!”  Thank you to the students who all designed fabulous entries which were very creative and colourful. After tallying the votes from all classes and staff across the school, we are pleased to announce the logo winner for 2024 is Bella from 6D. 


Congratulations to Bella and congratulations to all of our students who submitted an entry! 


Acting Principal

The process for the Acting Principal role, starting in Term 3, is underway and I will inform the school community when the successful candidate has been appointed. 


Parent Teacher Interviews

At this stage, we will be holding our Parent Teacher Interviews in Week 2, Term 3. This will likely be Wednesday 24th and Thursday 25th July. More information will come out later this term. Please keep these dates free. Interviews will be held onsite and 10 minutes will be allocated for each interview. 


Student Reports

As our teachers are formally reflecting on your child’s achievements during the first 6 months of this year within the Semester 1 reports, it is worth remembering that all students (regardless of year level) are individuals and are on their own learning journey. They will develop at different rates and as educators we will provide students with every opportunity to help them reach their potential. 


Many hours going into writing these reports and teachers review and moderate assessments within their team and across year levels to ensure that each student’s report is accurate as possible. 


Our students will be sent out on Wednesday 26th June in the final week of this school term. 


Student Attitude to School Survey

Over the last two weeks, students from Year 4-6 have undertaken the Department of Education's Student Attitude to School Survey (AtoSS). This information, while anonymous, provides general information about how students feel about school and themselves. At Highvale Primary School, this data directs our Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) goals for each year and is part of our school review every four years. 


Planned Maintenance Program

Our Planned Maintenance Program has begun, and you will have seen a number of contractors on the roof or around the school. This project will take 8-10 weeks and will stretch across these school holidays and likely into the next school holidays. 


All areas of the school under construction will be fenced off and we ask that you remind your child/ren to stay away for their safety. At school, we will pre-teach expectations as well. Thank you for your cooperation.


School Supervision

As mentioned in previous newsletters and communications home, there is no teacher supervision before 8.45am. Please ensure you remain with your child if they are on school grounds or alternatively, please use our Before School Care program, TheirCare.


Students should also be picked up before 3.45pm as there is no teacher supervision after this time. 


School Tours and 2025 Enrolments

School Tours for Prep 2025 and new Year 1-6 students are provided on Wednesday mornings between 9.30-10.45am. Due to demand, tours must be booked through the school office (9887 8000).  If you have friends, family or neighbours with school age children, especially those commencing Prep in 2025, please encourage them to book a tour to find out more about our wonderful school and community.


The virtual tour is available at https://highvaleps.vic.edu.au/


Take care,


Josh Crozier

Acting Principal
