Representing JPII and Touch Footy

Physical Education

Congratulations to the students who were selected to attend the Tasmanian All schools Cross Country Championships on the 18 June. With over 250 students in some races this is one of the largest primary school sporting events in the state. Our students raced hard and represented their school with pride. Well done to Nathaniel Moore-Burnett who was our highest placed student at 96th place. A big thank you to Coach Sarah Fitzgerald who has kept these students motivated and training over the last few weeks. It was a great day and we are very proud of the students who attended for giving it their best and being so supportive of their team mates. 


In PE our students have been learning about Touch Footy. We have been lucky enough to have received another Sporting Schools grant which has enabled us to have coach Kim from Touch Footy Tasmania along to teach both the students and Ms Andrews some new skills. It has been highly enjoyable so far and it looks like this could be a regular sport on our PE calendar in the future.