Mini Vinnies Winter Appeal

A Message from the COHR Mini Vinnies Team

This Winter, during the cold…


We're aiming to warm up people in need. 

With your help we can achieve this goal. 

With one donation, we will save multiple lives. 


Please help by donating coffee, long life milk, tea, hot chocolates and biscuits. 


Each class has a box that families can add their donation to.


There will be hearts in the foyer to record how much each class is donating. 

The class who donates the most will earn a casual clothes day.

Every donation counts, even just one.


On Friday, 28th of June (last day of term) Mini Vinnies is holding Donate-A-Dollar Day. Students can wear casual clothes if they donate a dollar or more to Mini Vinnies. 

The money we raise will go to the COHR Mini Vinnies Winter Appeal. 


Thank you for your contributions in advance.


Organised by Mini Vinnies

Written by Madeline Kostic