Classroom Cuisine Menu


Order from our ENTIRE MENU until 8.30am on the day!


Update for Term 3, 2024


  • New Menu Items – Reduction to Entry Point Pricing!
  • Loyalty Reward Vouchers

Hi Everyone!

Term 2 is rapidly drawing to a close & we’re already planning for Term 3.  We've got exciting news to share about the ways that Classroom Cuisine is continuing to evolve to meet the needs of families and children that already use our service and those who might like to.

We’ve always strived to be a premium supplier, wanting to lead the way with our menu, sourcing top quality produce and trying to encourage children to experiment with their food choices.  We’ve also been focused on increasing options for those with dietary concerns as well as cultural preferences and using the absolute best packaging available in terms of sustainability.  


With the current economic conditions, and through talking with our schools, we know that right now that’s all a ‘good to have’, but some families are really in need of a budget option.


In response to the current challenges, but without having to compromise on quality or service, we’ve collaborated with our suppliers, to introduce some new initiatives with our menu, pricing structure and loyalty reward vouchers.  We want to continue to keep the ability to outsource a lunch accessible to everyone.


New Menu Items & Reduced Entry Point Pricing


In order to provide a lunch at a lower price point, we’ve created new, simpler menu choices.  Our entry point price of $6.45 will be available for a 2 course lunch offering either a;• Cheese & Vegemite Scroll (white hi fibre, it's wholemeal on our premium menu)• Fresh Tomato bakery roll• Savoury Bite (1 Frankfurt in a roll with sauce & cheese)• Plain Cheese Roll• Ham Sandwich on sourdough (1 round)

Along with a choice of 20 items from our snack/drink menu to make up the 2-course lunch.


Loyalty Vouchers

With a cut off time of 8.30am on the day for ordering we have strong time pressure to get it right, so any ability to plan is an enormous help.  Having a greater understanding of demand by encouraging advance ordering will allow us to manage our business better in terms of planning…if we can save, so can our customers!  We’ll provide a 10% voucher rebate on orders placed in the first week of each school term where the spend is more than $120 in one transaction.  We’ll send a reminder email each term to make sure parents who might be keen to take up the offer will be aware of it.


Further info about us and discussion points we’d love to hear back from your School Community about

• SUPPORTING DISADVANTAGED STUDENTS.  We are considering initiatives around the provision of free lunches for disadvantaged students.  We would love to talk to anyone who has ideas in this area!

FUNDRAISING!  Please don’t forget that we are here to assist with fundraising.  Many schools have taken up the opportunity to fund raise with us so far this year!  Please be in touch if you would like to partner with us to create fundraising opportunities for your school. 

OUR MENU /DIETARY NEEDS & CULTURAL CONSIDERATIONS We’ve continued to develop our menu in the last 12 months with the introduction of more options that are halal, gluten free, dairy free and vegan.  We are committed to continuing to develop our choices beyond our new entry point offering.  We currently have 45 Main Course selections available.  We have some exciting new additions that we're hoping will also compliment our Menu in T3.  Roast Chicken is a hint!  All will be revealed on this soon!  When it comes to Menu Planning we are always pleased to hear of suggestions anyone might have!

SUSHI!  We’re able to provide our full menu up until 8.30am on the day of the order at such a reasonable price because we have our own restaurant quality, in house dedicated team making our sushi.  We’re interested to know if there are any other flavours of sushi that your school would like to see on our Menu?

• INSTAGRAM! Yes, finally!  We’re excited to announce that we’ll be on it very soon.  Not just our food but our passionate people too!  We’ll let you know when we’re live!


Thanks so much for your time and support, we are very excited to bring this new offering to your school community, we hope it meets with your approval and would love to hear from you!


Kind regards

Geraldine, Alison and the Team at Classroom Cuisine


To respond to this request please email Geraldine at:


For more information, including descriptions of our Menu Items, Allergen Information, Dietary Considerations, and Price please visit the Our Menu page on our bespoke website at: