Parent Association

DISCO – Tomorrow Night, Friday 21 June


We hope the children are all excited for the Disco tomorrow night! We have a fun night planned!


Per previous years we will hold the two sessions below.


Prep – Year 2      5:00pm – 6:15pm

Years 3 – 6           6:30pm – 8:00pm


If you have not already returned your form, and wish to attend, you can pay at the door. Cost is $5 per child and will include a packet of chips and a chupa chup (which will be handed out at the end of the session).


Additional glow accessories can be purchased on the night. Thank you to the wonderful 5/6 students who helped us sell glow items before the bell over the last 10 days.


We will need some parent helpers to assist in signing students in and out, help with selling glow accessories and handing out the treats at the end of the night. If you can assist, we would be very grateful.


ITALIAN DAY – Monday 24 June


A reminder to the families who have not yet returned their pizza order for Monday to please do so by no later than tomorrow. This is a FREE event, co-organised between the Parent’s Association and Signora Pansino, with many thanks to Melissa and Tarantino’s Pizza.


If you have misplaced your form, but would still like to order – please contact Jess on 0415 320 220 with your child’s name, class, and pizza selection by no later than tomorrow afternoon.


WELLBEING WEEK – Monday 24 June


A very special thank you to the Riccardi family (Jackson 1/2H, Xavier Prep) and the Middleton family (Matthew 5/6C) for donating the fruit for Wellbeing Week this year. The SRC will be distributing the fruit to the children.