Gala Day

Some Gala Day reflections form our Year 5/6 students



Team spirit was high as everyone worked together and contributed without complaints. We played fairly and cooperatively, winning 2 games and drawing 2 games. There’s room for improvement in our passing and decision-making on when to go for the ball."  - Ari and Anabel



Year 6: The game was a blast with lots of teamwork. We won four games and lost one.   All our scores were above 20, and we were really proud of ourselves.Year 5: We lost two games and won three. Even though we didn’t win overall, it was a great experience. We learned a lot about teamwork and improved our skills. The games were challenging but fun, and we were proud of our scores. Playing together helped us bond and become better players. - Macie, Zara P, and Stephanie



The teams we faced were kind and respectful, even when winning. One of our scores was over 20 points, showing our progress. We need to continue working on serving and catching, but we excelled at spiking, digging, and setting. - Jordan, Celeste, and Will