Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Guardians,


We are certainly racing our way to the end of a very busy term! 


This week our Year 4s had an amazing time on camp at Phillip Island. It was cold but the accommodation was nice and warm and the great activities certainly kept them busy and active. Thanks so much to Rachael Goldring, Clare Inwood and Nicole Russell for accompanying the students, we are grateful that you gave up your own time and gave so much energy to make it a successful time for all.


First Eucharist

On Sunday some of our Year 4 students will celebrate the receiving of the Eucharist for the first time at a 3pm Mass. We know this time is such a special celebration for families. So we ask you to remember these children in your prayers and that the sharing of the Eucharist may be a constant blessing and bring them in closer communion with Jesus.


Storm Repairs

You may have noticed the stumps on the Oval have been removed and some of the play areas on the Oval opened up. We are very grateful to Freddie (1/2G) and Beau, his Dad, for coming and completing this work. Another example of what a great and supportive community COHR is blessed to have. Thank you Freddie and Beau.


The Scope of Works for the other storm damage is almost complete and then work will be organised for the repairs.



There is a page dedicated to the Fete in this newsletter, giving an update to where we need help and what you can do. We are still calling out for more stall holders, everything is very organised for you, and you will be supported. So please let us know if you can help us out.



Our Term 3 Open Days have been booked in for: Wednesday 31st July, Tuesday 20th August and Thursday 12th September. Prospective families can book in a tour they can do so via this link


Alternatively they can call the Office to book a tour on a day that suits. we are always happy and accommodating to show off our beautiful school and amazing students!


Existing families with a Prep for next year, please collect an Enrolment Form from the Office, or give us a call and we will send it home with your child already at school!  


So please if you know someone looking for a school for their child next year or 2026, please get them to come along and see what COHR has to offer.


We are in contact with many Kinders and Early Learning Centres. We visit, with our senior students, St John's, 3 Bees ELC and Guardian ELC, as they are in walking distance. We also invite them to come and visit us!


This week 3Bees ELC Honeypot Group visited. They had a wonderful time and there is a page in this newsletter of the amazing feedback they shared.


Italian Day

Italian Day is on Monday! Students can wear the colours of the Italian flag, an Italian costume or a cultural dress from another country. Thank you to Tarantino's pizza and Parent Association for providing pizza for lunch and a crostoli for recess. The day will be full of Italian activities and an incursion in the afternoon. Parents are very welcome to attend the assembly in the Hall to start the day.


Wellbeing Week 

Wellbeing Week starts on Friday night with the School Disco. Students need to have purchased a ticket and parents will need to bring children to the door of the Hall and sign them in and collect them, signing them out.


Free fruit is one of the traditions of Wellbeing Week, thank you to the Riccardi and Middleton families for providing.


Students can wear their Sports Uniform on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of Wellbeing Week, as every day will be full of activity. Friday, the last day of term, is Donate a Dollar Day, when students can wear casual clothes, make a donation to the Mini Vinnies Winter Appeal. More details on the Mini Vinnies page.


Seasons Program

Over the past few newsletters we have invited parents to nominate their child for the Seasons of Growth Program. At this stage, next term, we will be running the program on a Tuesday afternoon for some of our Year 3/4 students. We look at including other levels later in the year.


Grandparents Day

Just a save the date reminder - Grandparents Day will be next term on Friday 26th July  - 8:45-12noon. You may like to make sure that the Grandparents and special friends have this important date circled on their calendar.


Jill Palermo

Finally, as this is the last newsletter of the term, we really wanted to say with great sorrow (for us) and joy for Jill, Cam and Ben that Jill will be finishing up at the end of the term. She makes a massive contribution to so many areas of our school and we know that you agree what an amazing teacher she has been for so many of our children. We wish Jill and her family all the best and look forward to her coming back to visit us with your new bundle of Joy.


Brian Martin (Lead Principal) & 

Jo Cowan (Deputy Principal)