Year 4 Specialist News - Term 3

Transdisciplinary Theme:
Where we are in place and time
Central Idea:
Exploration leads to discoveries and opportunities and new understandings.
Lines of Inquiry:
- Reasons for exploration
- Discoveries and exploration into the digital space
- The consequences of new Music Apps
Key Concepts:
connection and change
Learner Profile Attributes:
reflective and thinker
Students Will:
- Create original music using technology.
- Summarise fact sheets about explorers to write lyrics for a new song
- Use imagination and creativity to explore the elements of music when composing.
- Explore non-traditional sound sources and add appropriate sounds to enhance their composition
- Compare and reflect traditional music with digitally enhanced music after listening to a selected example
- Reflect on both the importance of imagination and innovation in the creation of music writing apps and the impact of technology on the music industry, including the problem of plagiarism and copyright
- Sing songs connected to their unit of inquiry and special days of significance, e.g. NAIDOC Week and Father’s Day
Transdisciplinary Theme:
How we organise ourselves
Central Idea:
Communities evolve as a result of changing environments.
Lines of Inquiry:
- The role that local shops (Shoutengai) play in shaping communities
- How SHOUTENGAI: local shipping streets of Japan function, and their purpose.
- How SHOUTENGAI impact the life of community members.
Key Concepts:
connection and form
Learner Profile Attributes:
reflective and inquirer
Students Will:
- Focus on language learning in Japanese
- Learn Japanese numbers for pricing, as well as verbs and phrases related to shopping
- Describe the characteristics of Japanese shopping streets, comparing them with those in Australia.Explain the purpose of Japanese shopping streets
- Discuss the function of SHOUTENGAI within a community
- Practice saying and spelling shopping-related phrases and sentences, such as "How much is this?" and "It is ... yen'
- Participate in role-playing activities, taking on the roles of shop assistants and customers
- Identify and spell the names of different types of shops, including Bakery and Butcher
Transdisciplinary Theme:
Where we are in place and time
Central Idea:
Histories and cultures inspire diverse artistic styles and traditions and shape artistic evolution.
Lines of Inquiry:
- The ways in which modern Indian artists are blending traditional techniques with contemporary themes
- The importance of art in festivals, rituals, and daily life in India
- Creating artworks inspired by traditional Indian styles
Key Concepts:
connection and change
Learner Profile Attributes:
reflective and inquirer
Students Will Create:
- Mehndi- Henna hand patterns. Detailed drawing designs within the outline of their hand. Painted backgrounds inspired by the colours of India
- Ceramic Palaces inspired by the architecture of India
- Paper Sculpture with layers, colour and shape inspired by the Holi festival
Physical Education
Transdisciplinary Theme:
How we organise ourselves
Central Idea:
Sport and communities bring people together.
Lines of Inquiry:
- The importance of fair play and sportsmanship and personal development in athletic type skills
- The role of the Olympic games in our community and culture and how we all come together
Key Concepts:
connection and change
Learner Profile Attributes:
caring and principled
Students Will:
- Be introduced to a variety of athletic type skills – distance and sprint runs, hurdling, long jump, high jump, discus and shot put and recognise how these skills are taught worldwide to compete fairly
- Use the learnt skills to compete in a whole school Olympic games activity and understand the significance of cultures in sport and how people come together when playing games.
- Look at different Vision games- soccer and rugby to clarify how all sports involve different types of techniques of play and rules
- Learn about how games have developed over time and how we can adapt the game to suit the needs of different skill levels
- Compete at District level in athletics