
Kaye Gregory

Library holiday borrowing

All children will be given the opportunity to borrow extra books from the library for the holidays. Therefore please check that your child has their library bag and any books to return for their lesson next week.


Prep A & B enjoying their reading time in the library.

Reading Challenge 2024

Congratulations to all the children who have completed the Reading Challenge so far. For

your information the Reading Challenge is now past the half way mark as it concludes in

early September. As a guide all children should be over halfway through reading the required

number of books for the Reading Challenge. Children in Prep – Year 2 should have read

and recorded at least 15 books. For children in Years 3 - 6 at least 7 - 8 books should have

been read and recorded. 

As mentioned above, extra books will be able to be borrowed in next week’s library lesson. 


Attached is the June Reading Challenge Newsletter for your interest.


Kaye Gregory

Teacher Librarian