Principal's Blog

25th June, 2024

Good Afternoon Parents Students, Staff and Friends of Derinya,  


What a night! Last week’s performance of ‘School Olympics’ was nothing short of spectacular. Every single student shone on stage and did themselves proud. Throughout all the preparations and on show day students demonstrated great resilience, courage, friendship and dedication. Bringing a show like this to the stage with 500 young artists performing complex choreography, singing challenging songs and managing difficult props is not an easy task! Congratulations must go out to each performer and those who helped backstage. Our incredible performing arts team are also to be congratulated. Mrs Runchey who is new to the team and Mrs Morgan worked with many classes on their items bringing together very entertaining performances. Mrs Catford who did a spectacular job with the senior choir. And of course, Mrs Lindi Morrison whose creativity and passion ensured that once again an original and professional work came to fruition. Many thanks to all staff for their commitment to this wonderful experience for our children and to all families for their incredible support. It is appreciated. 


Derinya Podcast

Our student leaders and Mrs Runchey supported by Mr Charles have been putting together our Derinya podcast bringing you all the highlights from life at Derinya. There is such great learning involved in putting this together. Our leaders Lachlan, Cameron and Rhys are doing a spectacular job. Please show your support by tuning in from time to time. This is the link to our most recent episode - Derinya podcast 



I would like to take a moment to congratulate our prep students on a fantastic first semester at school. They are going from strength to strength. I was absolutely blown away by the writing pieces shared with me by their teachers recently. The investigations they have been doing on their families has also seen some stunning family trees put together in collaboration with their year 5 buddies. Fantastic work from everyone! 



A reminder to book your DACE tickets and support our biggest fundraising and social event of the year. The DACE team have been working hard behind the scenes and this event is set to be even better than last year’s re launch. Avoid missing out by booking your tickets now! For new families to our school, this is not an event to be missed. 


Lockdown drill 

Today we engaged in a lockdown drill. These drills occur once per term and are a rehearsal for both staff and students around what to do in an emergency. If you are chatting to your children about this, please reiterate the importance of following instructions. 


Tree Removal 

We have recently had an arborist attend and do an inspection. As a result we will be removing an overhanging gum tree at the front of the school. The trees outside 2SD and 2WL will also be removed as they have become too large for the space. As we remove trees, we identify a new location and plant new indigenous plants. Last year we planted over 600 new plants and our gardens are looking lovely.


Assessment and reporting 

Reports will go live to families on Wednesday. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher. Out next touch point will be parent teacher interviews in the second half of Term 3. 


Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday period. 


Kind Regards,

Nadine Pye on behalf of the Derinya team.