Our Star awards...

Our Star Awards for Week 1 of Term 4 were awarded at assembly on 11 October.

FBMichael CFor your amazing amazing effort and consistent kindness each day in FB,
FHMaxim GFor showing focus and dedication towards improving your handwriting this week! Well done superstar. 
FDAustin JFor showing kindness towards his peers by using his initiative and helping his classmates during learning activities. 
FNMia CFor being a kind and thoughtful friend to everyone in our class.
FWHendrix HFor always coming to school with a smile on his face and bringing a positive attitude to the classroom.
1PBillie FFor always being organised and ready to learn. Your start to the Term has been amazing. Keep up the great work!
1PFinn LFor your sensational efforts focusing on your learning tasks. You have made a fabulous start to Term 4. Keep it up! 
1SIsla BFor her stand out confidence and problem solving during our Place Value review this week, such huge improvements Isla!!
1SOlivia MFor being a superstar bug mum and an amazing teacher! Thank you for teaching us so much about caring for stick insects this week!
1WHarper CFor showing dedication to her learning and focus while working on a task. Keep up the great attitude Harper!
1WElsie BFor her dedication to achieve her best and her resilience. Fabulous effort Elsie!
2CWill GFor working hard in our persuasive writing unit and showing wonderful progress in his learning. Great work Will!
2CRay MFor using lots of strong language in his persuasive writing, ‘Children Should Not Do Chores.’ Well done Ray!  
2GAlana KFor settling back into the routine of school with such a positive attitude. Keep up the terrific effort!
2GJaina CFor always working hard and showing terrific listening. Well done Jaina!
2TEvie SFor always being a caring classmate and for working hard during writing time this week. Well done!
2WLachlan BFor his hard work during our persuasive writing unit and showing terrific progress in his learning. Well done Lachy!
3BAdriana SFor her thoughtful contributions to class discussions about our Mentor Text ‘Storm Boy’.
3HRuby HFor an excellent use of appositives in her narrative writing!
3JDustin SFor writing some sensational sentences to demonstrate his understanding of vocabulary words. 
3MKai WFor being a responsible SRC member and showing good progress with his public speaking.
4BAlba MFor always showing excellence by taking pride in the presentation of her work.
4BAlexander M          For his outstanding reading responses to our class novel 'Wonder'.
4DFinny GFor your effort to finish your work and interest in our new novel and our new inquiry topic. Keep up the great work Finny!
4DMaddie SFor your cheery and kind attitude you bring every day and the wonderful effort you have been putting into your school work
4PConnor BFor your effort, great focus & contributions in class this week. Well done Connor & keep up the terrific work.
4SEllie BFor always being organised and ready to learn.
4SJye MFor starting the term off with an amazing attitude and positivity.
5BHolly CFor her effort, enthusiasm and growth with her narrative writing pieces!
5BEmily MFor her organisation and coordination of teamwork for the inquiry project!
5GGrace CFor displaying an excellent work ethic and completing all tasks to a high standard. Awesome Job!
5HAmelia BFor being a kind and supportive student who has shown initiative at every opportunity. Well done! 
5HOscar DFor effectively collaborating with his peers during group tasks. Congratulations. 
5OArcher BFor your wonderful contributions to class discussions during our mentor text and inquiry lessons.
6BRips SFor his positive attitude towards all classroom activities and displaying respect towards his peers and teachers.
6JArthur RFor making a terrific start to Term 4, being an enthusiastic and engaged learner.
6MWil HFor being a fantastic role model who displays exemplary behaviour. Well done Will! 
6RGrace RFor demonstrating the ability to collaborate with all members of the classroom and presenting her inquiry presentation with great clarity of voice and confidence. 
6UIsla WFor her fantastic focus, persistence and contributions throughout our Magician’s Nephew Novel study. Brilliant effort Isla!!

Our Star Awards for Week 2 of Term 4 were awarded at assembly on 18 October.

FBHugo HFor your outstanding behaviour this week. I am so impressed with your whole body listening.
FHSophie AFor your wonderful effort with home reading this week. Super work Sophie!
FDOwen TFor you amazing effort in writing and reading. You're a superstar Owen!
FNRemi PFor being a kind and considerate friend to everyone in our class.
FWHarrison BFor working really hard and putting in his best effort during all writing tasks this week! You're a star!
1PJedda RFor working really hard, being ready to learn. Asking great questions and sharing well thought-out ideas. Well done Jedda! 
1POllie JFor working very hard across the curriculum, specifically with reading and words study. Well done Ollie!
1WAudrey BFor always putting in a fantastic effort to all her work and contributing to class discussions. Well done Audrey!
1WFinn HFor his resilience when situations aren't going the way he expects it to go. Great effort Finn!
2CJack GFor being a problem solver and making sure everyone in his group could be involved in the conversation. Well done Jack! 
2CBailey AFor writing interesting and detailed sentences including a range of adjectives and adverbs. Great job Bailey! 
2GJulia QFor your outstanding and respectful listening during instruction time. Well done!
2GEddie FFor working hard on your handwriting skills. Well done Eddie!
2TCharlie N-GFor his interesting contributions to our 'Community Past and Present' Inquiry discussions.
2WMaddison CFor carefully applying the rule of 3 and including adjectives, verbs and alliteration to make her writing more detailed.
2WFinn McCFor consistently contributing to class discussions and sharing his thoughtful ideas across all subjects. Well done Finn!
3BAustin KFor an outstanding and descriptive introduction to his Narrative which also included literary devices such as similes and onomatopoeia.
3HSam CFor his positive attitude towards all aspects of school!
3HCharlotte McC             For her helpful nature within the classroom!
3JJoseph HFor writing an excellent story 'orientation' with character and setting description. 
3JJye EFor a very well written story 'orientation' that detailed the character and setting.  
3MElla MFor making a terrific start to Term 4 by demonstrating excellent focus and work habits .
3MAlex MFor making a great start to Term 4 by demonstrating a positive attitude and making strong choices.
4BCharley LFor being a diligent student who always gets the most out of her learning.
4BOliver MFor always showing respect towards his teachers and peers, and for his positive attitude towards all tasks.
4DLyndon FFor being a friendly, fun and fantastic student who consistently shows his best towards his peers and teachers.
4DHolly CFor your hard work in class and your responses to our novel study ‘wonder’ keep up the great work gorgeous girl!
4PSally N-GFor showing a good understanding of the themes in our class novel, Wonder and for writing great responses.
4PEvelyn LFor always being a diligent and engaged learner in class who gives 100% effort with all that you do.
4SErica CFor always being a positive, cheerful and conscientious student. Well done Erica!
5BCharlie PFor always completing her literacy and numeracy homework early and to a high standard.
5BMaggie RFor always coming to school with a big bright smile on her face, and bringing constant joy to everyone around her with her bubbly nature.
5GOlivia TFor her effort and application to all literacy tasks. Well done keep it up!
5HBonnie McK      For her improved participation in class discussion and dedication during set tasks. 
5HJackson BProviding fantastic depth and detail in his comprehension responses. Well done Jackson! 
5OBlake OFor your active contributions to group work this week, especially during Inquiry.
6BHenry McPFor consistently producing work of a high standard and working to the best of his abilities.
6JJames BFor contributing meaningful answers during our 'Rivet Boy' novel study sessions.
6JEla SFor being a consistent source of positivity and providing great answers during our 'Rivet Boy' study.
6MRyusei OFor consistently displaying the school value of responsibility and being an upstander. You rock Ryusei! 
6RTaylor L JFor her active involvement in class discussions, providing thoughtful answers about our Rivet Boy unit study!
6UKenzie CFor consistently displaying kindness, empathy, responsibility and integrity, making her a wonderful role model in our class.