Swimming Schedule

Dear Parents and Carers,
Swimming is coming up in Weeks 3 and 4, commencing on Monday 21st of October. Swimming will run from Monday to Thursday each week.
Year 5/6
Depart St Joseph's at 11:45am
Swimming Lesson: 12.00-12.45pm
Depart Pool at 1:00pm
Year 3/4 & Foundation
Depart St Joseph's at 12.30pm
Swimming Lesson: 12.45pm - 1.30pm
Depart Pool at 1:45pm
Year One/Two
Depart St Joseph's at 1.15pm
Swimming Lesson: 1.30pm - 2.15pm
Depart Pool at 2:30pm
Students will come to school with their bathers already on underneath their school uniform. If students wear a one-piece suit, we suggest they wear the bottom half and put their arms into the arm holes when we get to the pool. When arriving at the pool, students will place their school uniforms in their bags and wait to be collected by the swim teachers. If your child already does swimming lessons at the pool, there is a high chance that their swimming teacher will be there to direct them to their group. Other students may have a quick swim with a teacher to assess what level group they will be in. Please be assured that the students will be ⁰ into the groups they feel comfortable in, meaning that some students with little swimming ability will be in the smaller pool for parts of the lesson.
Now is also a good time to visit Operoo and verify your child's swimming ability. Sometimes, we may see on Operoo that a student 'can't swim at all', but when we get to the pool, the swim teachers know them and place them in the appropriate group. Please update this information, as it helps us in the initial grouping. If you have any concerns about your child's swimming ability, please do not hesitate to inform us.
Families are welcome to be spectators at the swimming pool to watch the lessons. If you would like to collect your child from the pool after their lesson, you need to notify your child’s classroom teacher at the pool before the commencement of the lesson. You must sign your child out with the teacher before taking your child home. If you pick your child up from the pool and wish to help your child get dressed, you need to use the Family Change Room and can only take your child in with you. In accordance with our Child Safety Policy only school staff with VIT Registration or Working with Children Check are permitted to enter the change rooms and will only do so when necessary.
Before swimming starts, it would be great for you at home to start giving your child independence to practise getting changed and knowing where and how to put things back into their bag. This can include making sure they put their socks in their shoes, bathers inside a towel/plastic bag, etc. It is really important to start practising this as there is little turnaround time before or after the lesson to get to and from school.
Students will need to bring goggles to the lesson. Please make sure they are labelled with their names. Please double-check that all their school uniform is also labelled clearly.