News from 5/6

Welcome to Term 4!
For many of us in Year 5/6 this is our final home stretch. There are many feelings of excitement mixed with nervousness as we draw to the end of 2024. For the Year 6s this is their final term before they spread their wings and venture into the big wide world of high school. We are currently preparing for this transition in several ways. As teachers, we are busy filling in forms for their transition into high school. In class, we are providing the students with opportunities to ask questions and to learn how to make and sustain good friendships. We will be inviting past students to come and chat with our kids about high school-related issues. Please reach out to us with any queries or concerns and if your child is having any big feelings around their transition into high school know this is completely normal.
Physical Maths Challenge
Congratulations to the two teams of grade 5/6s who competed in the Physical Maths Challenge Day held at our school this Wednesday. Students competed in teams of four to completed a variety of challenges including frisbee golf, basketball shooting, maths problem solving, logic puzzles and a maze. They all showed great communication and support for each other. Lexi, Toby, Noah and Harry finished up 9th overall and Matthew, Dylan, Cameron and Grady finished up 15th. Well done to all of them!
Critical Literacy!
In the last few weeks, the 5/6 classes have been investigating the media, and all the different devices that the media use to persuade us. We are learning to check for misinformation and disinformation and learning to approach media using a critical eye so we don't believe everything we read, see or hear without questioning its sources or the motives of those creating it.
Swimming begins next Monday. Children need to remember to bring their towel, goggles and dry underwear to school in a separate bag and to wear their bathers under their uniform. Please contact us if your child has any particular concerns regarding swimming.
Next Friday, the 25th October, students are all expected to participate in the Interschool Orienteering at Maroondah Dam. This is always a great day.