News from Three/Four

This week the year 3/4 students have eagerly been waiting to complete some free choice writing. They were given some picture prompts or the option to create their own writing.
Here are some pictures of them busily writing!
Students have also begun working on information reports. Students are being guided in the structure and language features of reports, and are working together to construct a text about iron. Following, students will use these learnt skills to research, plan, write and publish an independent information report on one of Australia's neighbouring countries.
Students have been expanding the pictorial and written strategies they use to solve multiplication and division problems. What a great job they have been doing!
Just a reminder that students should continue to work on their multiplication facts at home - we are really noticing the progress of those who are doing this. If you require more materials, or information on this to be sent home, please contact Ms Bourke by email.