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HANDWRITING - here are some reasons why it is a super important skill to learn:
Handwriting supports learning by strengthening the connection between letters and sounds, which is essential for reading development. It enhances memory retention, as the act of physically writing out information helps students better remember and process it. Additionally, practicing handwriting improves fine motor skills, so you not only get better at the task itself but also help your brain get stronger in areas like remembering things and understanding new ideas. This makes it easier to learn other subjects too.
And here is some AMAZING handwriting we have been doing in class:
We have been learning all about maps and using words to describe where we are and where we are going. We played a game to help us, we put shapes in different places on a grid and had to get others to draw what it looked like by describing it to them. We had a lot of fun trying to make it look the same!
Have a look at our wall display of what we like and what our strengths are: