News from Foundation

Welcome back to Term 4 in Foundation!! Where has the year gone? One more term of Foundation before the transition to Grade 1! We are so proud of how far our Foundations have come!
Here's what we have been up to!
We have been loving writing a lot over the past two weeks! Last week, we decided to write in the sunshine and use our senses to describe what we could see, hear, and feel.
We have also been writing sentences in the classroom using the sounds we learned that day. Here are some that we are proud of.
Over the past two weeks in maths, we have been learning about Data. We have been learning how to group, sort, and collect data using yes-and-no questions.
Here are some pictures of us sorting data. Some students sorted the objects by colour or size and even by the type of animals they were, such as water animals and farm animals.
The next thing we learned was how to collect data to answer a question. Some of the questions we asked were yes-and-no questions. Some had two options: Do you like cats or dogs? We then looked at the data to determine which group had more or less.
To finish our learning about data, we decided to collect data using smarties!!! Each Foundation had a smarties packet. The students emptied their smarties and counted how many of each colour they had to determine which colour was the most common and which was the least. They were excited when they got to eat the smarties at the end!
Paired Reading
Every day, the Foundations participate in paired reading. Each student has a partner, and they have a total of 6 minutes to read a book. The first person goes first, and then the other partner goes after one minute. This continued until they had three turns at reading. Finally, they give their partner feedback on how their reading went. This would be an enjoyable activity that you could do at home with your homework readers!
- Upcoming Swimming next week (see Swimming Schedule page for more information)
- Upcoming Sports Day on Friday 1st December (see P.E page and Operoo)